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Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pregnancy and Breast Cancer

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Although breast cancer in pregnancy is not common, it can affect you. Your health care team will know what to do to help you cope and make sure you're as healthy as possible. There are support groups, including online ones, to help you through your pregnancy and cancer treatment. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has information about pregnancy and breast cancer. This includes the warning signs and treatment options.

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Treatment for early stage breast cancer can be delayed until the baby is born. In some cases, doctors can perform a minor surgery to remove the cancer while a woman is pregnant and avoid harming the baby. However, the risk of damage is higher in the first trimester, when the body is developing and organs are still forming. If you are pregnant and are diagnosed with cancer, your doctor will discuss treatment options with you.

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Symptoms of cancer during pregnancy are difficult to detect, especially because of changes in the breast tissue. Breast cancer lumps are usually larger during pregnancy, so these changes may seem normal. Often, the cancer-related changes are noticed years after the pregnancy. Therefore, a mammogram can detect cancer sooner than usual. A Pap test, ultrasound, and mammogram are all options to help detect cancer in the early stages.

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Several women may develop breast cancer while pregnant. Most changes aren't due to cancer, but they should still be checked by a doctor to ensure that nothing is wrong. If you notice any of the symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible. There are treatment options available that are safe for both mother and child. You should be aware of the normal changes in your body and know how to detect them. It's important to have regular breast exams throughout your pregnancy. If you do notice any lumps, go to your doctor and get it checked as soon as possible.

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If you suspect that you might have breast cancer during pregnancy, the first step is to communicate with your obstetrician and oncology team. Being transparent and honest with your oncologist is vital in providing you with the best possible care. Not only does it help your doctor make the best decision for you, but it also protects the baby. For example, the cancer-related breast tumors are usually larger than the ones in women who are not pregnant.

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Treatment options for breast cancer are similar to those for non-pregnant women, but the timing may differ. Surgery is often considered a safe treatment option, and your doctor will discuss your treatment options with you. Surgery can be performed during pregnancy to remove the cancerous tumors. Depending on the type of cancer, surgery will vary. It will also be possible to use hormone therapy or chemotherapy during your pregnancy. If you're able to afford the treatment, you can also undergo a lumpectomy during pregnancy.

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Surgical treatment is an option for most expectant mothers with breast cancer during pregnancy. Surgery may include a lumpectomy or mastectomy, which involves the removal of the affected breast along with lymph nodes. Further treatment to kill cancer cells may be needed after delivery. Treatment options for breast cancer during pregnancy include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. If you're diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

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While cancer during pregnancy is rare, it can still affect your baby, so it's important to discuss any concerns with your doctor as soon as possible. Cancer during pregnancy can delay treatment, but the benefits of treatment are similar to those of non-pregnant women. Your doctor will be able to recommend the best treatment for you and your baby. It's important to remember that cancer in pregnancy is not contagious, and the treatment options you choose should be discussed with your doctor.

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Surgery for breast cancer during pregnancy is generally safe. If you're diagnosed during the first or second trimester, you may undergo a lumpectomy or a mastectomy, which is both cosmetic and safe for you and your unborn child. Radiation therapy, however, should not be performed during pregnancy because it can harm the fetus. For these reasons, many women choose to wait until after delivery to undergo treatment.

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