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Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pregnancy and Breast Cancer

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Understanding the relationship between pregnancy and breast cancer is essential for a woman diagnosed with the disease. Early detection of breast cancer during pregnancy and breastfeeding is critical for treatment decisions. Your GP will examine your breasts to identify any symptoms, and determine whether to refer you to a breast clinic for further examination. Once your symptoms have been identified, the breast cancer clinic will usually conduct an ultrasound scan of your breast, which is a safe, non-invasive procedure for pregnant women.

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The common breast cancer symptoms often overlap with other, more benign causes, such as pregnancy. That's why it's essential to seek medical care if you notice any changes in your body. For example, if you develop a red, hot, or scaly lump, you should immediately consult a doctor. While the pain associated with breast cancer is relatively rare, a woman should report any unusual occurrences to her doctor.

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Treatment options for breast cancer during pregnancy are similar to those used for non-pregnant women, with some modifications for the fetus. Breast cancer has never been shown to spread to a fetus. However, if your breast cancer reaches the placenta, the fetus may be at risk of suffering a lack of nutrition. In that case, treatment options may vary.

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While breast cancer during pregnancy is a relatively rare condition, it should be taken seriously. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of the disease so that you can find a treatment that will not have a negative impact on the mother and baby. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy are in their late thirties or early forties, and will be able to continue their pregnancy. The treatment options for cancer during pregnancy are safe for both mother and child, and often the symptoms will be completely harmless.

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Breast cancer during pregnancy is rare but it does occur. One in every three thousand women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their pregnancy, although it is not caused by pregnancy. However, women who develop breast cancer during pregnancy experience extra strain and concern about the health of their unborn child. Although this is a difficult and frightening situation, there are many treatment options available for women with breast cancer during pregnancy. You should also learn to perform a breast exam at home and to visit your doctor regularly to have your breasts examined.

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When breast cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy, a biopsy may be performed to examine the tumor under a microscope. This sample will reveal whether the cancer cells are growing in the ducts or the lobules. If the cancer cells contain the hormone receptors for progesterone or estrogen, it may respond to treatment once the baby is born. The symptoms of breast cancer may also be more difficult to detect during pregnancy.

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Treatment for expectant moms with breast cancer depends on the size of the tumor, its location, and the term of the pregnancy. Early-stage breast cancer can be treated with surgery, such as mastectomy or lumpectomy. Depending on the cancer stage, chemotherapy may be administered. The chemotherapy used will depend on the cancer type and the stage of pregnancy, and it can only be delivered safely during certain windows of time. The surgery may result in some side effects.

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Although pregnancy and breast cancer are very rare, the condition can cause complications for the mother and baby. The treatment options for breast cancer during pregnancy are similar to those for other types of cancer. Surgery is the first option for women with pregnancy-associated breast cancer. If the cancer is operable, a modified radical mastectomy is the treatment of choice. Radiation therapy is contraindicated in pregnancy due to the risk of fetal malformations and delayed neurocognitive development. Chemotherapy is sometimes used in high-risk cases, but is generally counterproductive to pregnancy during the first trimester.

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Surgery for women with breast cancer is generally safe during the second and third trimesters. In women who are diagnosed during the first or second trimester, a lumpectomy may be advised instead of a mastectomy. However, in women who are in the third trimester, breast cancer may require hormone treatment, which can cause harm to the unborn child. Radiation therapy is also not recommended during pregnancy. If you choose to breastfeed, it is important to discuss the treatment options with your doctor to determine the best treatment option for your situation.

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