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Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pregnancy and Breast Cancer

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

It is possible to experience a number of breast cancer symptoms during pregnancy. In some cases, treatment is based on the diagnosis. However, if you have already been diagnosed with cancer, your doctor can prescribe treatment that is tailored to your particular case. Treatment for a cancer that is detected during pregnancy may include radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Symptoms of breast cancer during pregnancy may include slow growth and abnormal brain function. However, some types of cancer are treatable after delivery.

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One of the most common symptoms of breast cancer is a lump. It may appear on either side, under the armpit or anywhere else. In some women, this lump is too large or too small to be a lump. Other symptoms of breast cancer include a swollen breast, chest pain, memory loss, difficulty speaking or moving, dimples, or pain. While these symptoms may be mild and harmless, they should prompt you to seek medical care. Even if the breast cancer is asymptomatic, it is still best to consult with a specialist to be sure. It is also important to realize that a breast cancer diagnosis can be devastating to a woman.

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Many researchers define pregnancy-associated breast cancer as those detected during pregnancy or the first year postpartum. This period may extend for up to two years. A mass detected during this period can be due to cancer, cystic disease, or lobular hyperplasia. The differential diagnosis includes breast cancer and other conditions, such as cystic disease, lobular hyperplasia, galactocele, lipoma, hamartoma, or sarcoma.

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A biopsy of breast tissue is one of the primary ways of diagnosing breast cancer. A biopsy can be done by needle, core biopsy, or surgical removal of the lump. Pregnancy-related breast cancer symptoms may involve a small amount of bleeding and will not affect the baby. If the breast cancer is suspected, further tests will be required to rule out other conditions. In some cases, radiation may not be safe during the first trimester of pregnancy.

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Because breast tissue changes during pregnancy, detection of breast cancer symptoms during pregnancy is more challenging. In addition to swollen breasts, women may notice lumps that are difficult to detect with a mammogram. Breast cancer signs may include dimpling of the skin, bloody discharge from the nipple, unusual thickening of the breast, or pain in one area. Unfortunately, this situation can result in delayed diagnosis of the disease.

Fortunately, many women with breast cancer during pregnancy complete their pregnancy.

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Treatment for breast cancer during pregnancy does not interfere with childbirth, but some adjustments may be necessary to protect the fetus. While it has not been proven that breast cancer spreads from the mother to the fetus, it may reach the placenta, affecting the nutrition of the fetus. So, the decision on treatment for breast cancer during pregnancy depends on the severity of the cancer and the expected due date.

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Treatment for breast cancer during pregnancy is different for each woman. Most expectant moms will undergo surgery. This includes mastectomy or lumpectomy, wherein the affected breast is surgically removed, along with the lymph nodes. After delivery, the woman may have to undergo further treatments to kill the cancer cells. In addition to surgery,

chemotherapy may also be prescribed, but this is usually put off until the mother gives birth. Depending on the type of cancer, chemotherapy is not usually given during pregnancy.

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Despite these risks, there are several treatment options for women with breast cancer. Although some breast cancer treatments are considered to be safe during pregnancy, they can cause serious side effects. A woman may have to delay their delivery until her delivery to avoid radiation treatment. A woman must consult with her doctor about whether chemotherapy is safe during her pregnancy. For women diagnosed during their first trimester, mastectomy is generally the preferred treatment option. For the second and third trimesters, lumpectomy is a viable option. However, radiation therapy must be delayed until after delivery.

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Although the risks of breast cancer during pregnancy are low, women should talk to their doctors about any breast changes they notice. A doctor can perform a number of tests and help the woman choose the right treatment. It is important for women to discuss breast cancer symptoms with their doctors as early detection is the best way to save their baby's life. The best way to do this is to keep yourself informed of any changes in your breasts.

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