Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pregnancy and Breast Cancer
Knowing the signs of breast cancer during pregnancy is vital to a woman's health and well-being. Pregnancy and breast cancer are two conditions that often co-exist. While these conditions are not common, breast cancer symptoms during pregnancy should be taken seriously. Breast cancer symptoms may be early signs of cervical or ovarian cancer, which can be difficult to detect on a mammogram. Fortunately, ultrasound and Pap tests can be performed during pregnancy to help detect cervical cancer in its early stages.
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During pregnancy, the breasts may become larger, lumpy, or tender. The changes in your breasts are natural during pregnancy and may cause a woman to have a delayed diagnosis. Breast cancer symptoms may be hard to detect in pregnancy because they are difficult to differentiate from the usual signs of pregnancy. Because of these difficulties, prenatal doctors recommend that women undergo periodic breast exams as part of their prenatal care. It's important to note that some breast changes during pregnancy are normal and will not require further testing.
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If your GP suspects you may have breast cancer, she'll examine your breasts to find the cause. If necessary, she'll refer you to a breast clinic. Once there, your GP will likely refer you for a mammogram, which uses sound waves to create a picture of your breast. The radiation from this test won't affect your unborn child. Additionally, shielding is available during the scan to protect your baby from radiation.
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Although early-stage cancers can be safely delayed until after the baby's birth, many women are unsure whether to carry their pregnancy. In some cases, minor surgery may be all that's necessary. But if the cancer has spread, chemotherapy may be the safer option. The risk of harming a baby is much lower than for cancer that has spread. Nevertheless, if you decide to carry on with the pregnancy, it's vital that you and your doctor make the best decision.
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Women with cancer are often diagnosed during pregnancy, after delivery, or during lactation. Stage is an important part of treatment, and most doctors will stage a woman's breast cancer based on its size and location. This is the best way to determine the stage. Imaging studies are typically not safe during pregnancy, but can be done with special precautions. If your doctor suspects that your mother has breast cancer, she will suggest an appropriate course of action.
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Although breast cancer treatments are generally safe during pregnancy, a woman should discuss the risks involved with each one with her physician. In general, surgery is safe for second and third trimesters of pregnancy. However, breast cancer surgery involving radiation is unsafe for pregnancy. This treatment is not recommended if you are breastfeeding, as it can increase the size of your breast and cause milk to accumulate in surgical sites. In addition, breast-feeding may increase the size of the baby's breasts.
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Although breast cancer during pregnancy is rare, women should monitor their own health to reduce their chances of developing it. Even though most changes are not signs of cancer, women should have regular breast exams. Their healthcare provider will be able to diagnose breast cancer earlier than they would with non-pregnant women. These screenings are crucial to help determine whether the condition is present or not. They will also help determine if treatment options are safe for the mother and unborn child.