Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pregnancy and Breast Cancer
During pregnancy, women may experience some breast cancer symptoms, such as lumps, bruising, or bleeding. These are common signs of cancer during pregnancy, but they are also related to specific types of cancer, including ovarian cancer. To find out whether you are pregnant or not, discuss your symptoms with your doctor. During pregnancy, you may also experience a Pap test, an ultrasound, or other screenings that can detect early signs of cervical or ovarian cancer.
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While there is no known link between breast cancer and pregnancy, it's important to be aware of possible risks. While breast cancer and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive, early detection of these symptoms is vital to the success of treatment. If detected early, you can choose between chemotherapy and surgery. Depending on the stage of your cancer, your doctor may recommend treatment with either one. If you are diagnosed in the early stages, you may opt to undergo surgery before becoming pregnant.
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Treatment for cancer during pregnancy is similar to that of a non-pregnant woman, but some adjustments may be necessary to protect the fetus. For example, early stage cancer can be safely delayed until after delivery through minor surgery. If the cancer has advanced, however, a doctor may recommend a treatment plan for the cancer that won't harm the baby. However, if you choose to continue the pregnancy, the risks of delivering a healthy baby outweigh the risk.
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Even though breast cancer during pregnancy is rare, it's still an alarming situation. Because the mother's hormone levels are changing and her unborn child is developing, many women may develop the disease later than they'd otherwise. However, treatment options for breast cancer during pregnancy vary, depending on the type and stage of the disease. As with any cancer, it is important to know the early signs of breast cancer, including how to perform breast exams at home. And, if you are diagnosed, you should make regular prenatal visits.
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While prenatal visits are important for the mother and baby, it's important for pregnant women to learn how to do their own breast exams. Whether you have a lump or a rash in the breast, a physical exam can detect any changes in the breast. Even if you think the changes you're seeing in your breast are only temporary, talk with your doctor. There are tests that can determine the type of cancer and whether it has spread throughout the body.
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The most common breast cancer in pregnant women is breast cancer, which tends to strike women in their mid-30s. While the disease is extremely dangerous for both the mother and the baby, the symptoms of breast cancer should not be ignored. It's essential for pregnant women to continue their breast exams, as there are changes to the breast that make it more difficult to spot suspicious lumps. Furthermore, tumors in pregnant women are larger than those in non-pregnant women.
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Some of these changes may be caused by benign conditions. For instance, skin texture changes may be caused by eczema. Swelling lymph nodes may also be related to an unrelated illness, such as infection. Visiting a doctor will help you determine whether you need to consult a medical professional. This can be a difficult decision for many women, so it's important to seek medical care as soon as you notice any changes.