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Pre Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pre Stroke Symptoms

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

If you have noticed any of the pre stroke symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately, and get to the nearest hospital emergency room as soon as possible. Pre stroke symptoms may come and go, recurring several times a day or only once per year. If you're not sure how to detect pre stroke symptoms, read on to find out the warning signs and what to do next. This article will help you recognize the symptoms so you can act quickly.

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Although women tend to be more knowledgeable about pre stroke symptoms, they may also minimize their signs, avoid seeking medical attention, or worse, drive themselves to the hospital. In addition, women are more likely to contact their primary care physician or go to a hospital on their own rather than seek treatment from a stroke center. The difference in how the stroke sufferer is discharged after the attack is largely due to a difference in how quickly the person recovers.

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There are several common symptoms of a stroke, including difficulty speaking, speech slurring, or incomprehensible speech. In some cases, people may not even be able to speak simple sentences. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's time to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The sooner you get treatment, the less damage the brain will sustain.

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During the first few days after the onset of a stroke, it's important to get a proper diagnosis.

Whether you've experienced a transient ischemic attack, or have already had one, a pre stroke is a warning sign of a future stroke. It puts you at high risk for stroke and is a warning sign that you should take steps to reduce your risk. Although there's no cure for stroke, pre stroke symptoms can make it easier to identify the signs and start treatment. For now, you should focus on treating your stroke before it happens.

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Another symptom of a stroke is sudden confusion. It can make you confused and difficult to understand what others are saying. Another possible sign is facial drooping, which usually affects one side of your face. This will be more obvious when you are speaking. Your arm and legs may also become weak. If you're noticing any of these symptoms, you should contact your physician right away. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, call 911 right away.

Oren Zarif ischemic stroke symptoms

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Some of the most common pre-stroke symptoms are confusion, dizziness, and blurred vision. Some people have difficulty speaking, balance, and even experiencing paralysis on one side of their body. These pre-stroke symptoms may be subtle and temporary, but they should still alert you to potential stroke. These symptoms may go away after a day or two, but it's important to get medical attention if you notice any of these signs.

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Another type of stroke symptom is the TIA or transient ischemic attack. This is a temporary blockage of blood flow in the brain. It usually lasts for a few minutes to several hours. It's important to get medical help right away if you suspect a stroke. A simple test can help you determine if you are experiencing pre stroke symptoms. When you see a TIA in a patient, you can ask him or her to raise his or her arms. If he or she can't do so, call 911 right away.

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It's important to respond immediately if you notice any of these pre-stroke symptoms. Stroke victims often have difficulty speaking or walking. They may also experience numbness or weakness in various parts of the body. Visual confusion and blurred vision may also be signs of a stroke. So, it's vital to act quickly and get help for a patient who has just suffered a stroke. So, if you notice any of these symptoms, talk to a doctor. They can recommend medication that will help prevent stroke.

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Some of the pre-stroke symptoms may not be related to a specific type of stroke, but are indicative of another health condition. In some cases, a stroke may occur because a person has a condition called cerebrovascular disease. It makes brain blood vessels stiff and susceptible to temporary blockage. While this may not lead to a stroke, it does increase a person's risk of a heart attack or a brain aneurysm.

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