Post Concussion Syndrome Treatments - Oren Zarif - Post Concussion Syndrome
A doctor may diagnose post concussion syndrome after a head injury, and the symptoms can last weeks, months, or even years. The condition is often accompanied by problems with the autonomic nervous system, the body's hormones, and the brain's chemistry. Fortunately, treatment options are available. Listed below are some of the common treatments. They may help you avoid reoccurring concussions.
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Cervical instability can lead to persistent post-concussion symptoms. In these cases, cervical stability can cause symptoms like neck pain, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. Although this condition is not completely caused by head trauma, it is associated with contact sports and accidents. If you suspect that you have suffered a concussion, talk to your doctor immediately. Symptoms of neck instability can be difficult to attribute to a concussion.
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A doctor may recommend a brain scan to determine the cause of your symptoms. A brain scan can also reveal any bleeding around the brain from the blow. Fortunately, post-concussion syndrome is treatable. The average recovery time for people with this condition is three months. Symptoms can be exacerbated by the effects of stress. However, doctors may be able to diagnose post-concussion syndrome in about 20% of cases.
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Treatment options for post-concussion syndrome depend on the severity of your symptoms. Symptoms often begin a few days after the accident and may last for weeks. If symptoms persist longer than six months, your doctor may recommend a CT or MRI to rule out other medical conditions. In some cases, rest can even help to prolong the duration of psychological symptoms. For the most severe cases, however, medication may be necessary.
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Early treatment for post-concussion symptoms is crucial. Early diagnosis and education is essential for young school-age athletes to minimize their risk of reoccurring concussions. Using standardized clinical examinations to identify symptoms that can interfere with recovery will increase the chances of successful recovery. This will help prevent future injuries by allowing athletes to return to play without further complications. Even if symptoms appear several months after a concussion, early treatment will help them return to their regular activities and do well in school.
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Future studies should consider applying standardized multidimensional assessments to children with mTBI to assess whether the condition is linked to neuroplasticity. This could improve the validity of research comparisons and refine personalized treatments. The focus of future studies should be on the identification of possible mechanisms, development of new imaging techniques, and effective treatments. Long-term longitudinal studies are also needed to apply evidence-based interventions. However, such studies are still in their infancy.