Periventricular Leukomalacia - Oren Zarif - Periventricular Leukomalacia
One of the most common causes of cerebral palsy, periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), is caused by the widespread injury of the white matter of the brain, accompanied by focal necrosis. Its classical neuropathology has given rise to several hypotheses about its pathogenesis, including free radical injury, cytokine toxicity, and lipid peroxidation.
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The condition is more common in premature or low birth weight infants, but it can also develop after birth. Approximately 20,000 to 30,000 children are diagnosed with PVL each year, with 7,000 developing cerebral palsy. Children affected by PVL usually display symptoms between six to nine months of age, including problems controlling movement, developmental delays, learning disabilities, and seizures. Treatments for this neurological disorder focus on improving quality of life and minimizing complications.
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A free case review will help you understand your child's condition and determine the best course of treatment. Depending on the level of cell death, your child may suffer severe impairment or none at all. If your child is affected by PVL, it may be possible to seek legal justice. Contact an attorney today for a free case review. You may be able to improve the quality of your child's life and recover compensation for the loss of limb function.
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There are a few different causes of PVL, but one common factor is increased maternal infection. This infection affects the membranes surrounding the fetus and causes selective injury to the developing brain. This can cause premature membrane rupture and other life-threatening complications. For these reasons, infants who are mechanically ventilated have a higher risk. Even the simplest of risks can have devastating effects on a fetus.
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Despite its serious consequences, PVL is preventable. Identifying PVL is crucial for preventing the disease and promoting the recovery of premature infants. By identifying early symptoms, parents can make informed decisions about how to deal with the condition. While treatment may be difficult, it can help prevent permanent damage to the brain. A full evaluation of the patient can help determine the appropriate treatment. With proper care, PVL can improve the outcome of a baby's life.
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PVL is an inherited condition in which the brain's white matter is damaged. This part contains important nerve fibers that carry messages from the brain to muscles. This area is especially vulnerable to premature infants due to the lack of oxygen and blood flow. PVL results in holes in the brain, which eventually fill with fluid. If not treated in time, the child will be at risk for cerebral palsy.
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To confirm the diagnosis of PVL, a periventricular cyst forms. This development occurs 2 to six weeks after injury and is often a focal lesion on a sonogram. The cysts progress over time, causing progressive necrosis of periventricular tissue. End-stage PVL includes loss of periventricular white matter, and thinned corpus callosum. PVL is a progressive condition that should be diagnosed early.
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The main mechanism responsible for PVL is unknown, but there are several theories that link maternal/fetal infection with the development of the disease. Infection may cause OL precursor death and inflammation in PVL. A possible contributor to the pathogenesis of PVL is endotoxin. Infection in a newborn's brain may trigger the release of cytokines. The findings in infant brains indicate that endotoxin can cause PVL.
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In most cases, PVL develops in the uterus. It can occur before delivery, during delivery, or after birth, if the baby is born prematurely. However, the most common period for the development of PVL is during pregnancy, between 26 to 34 weeks and right before the scheduled delivery date. This period determines the risk for the infant's periventricular leukomalacia.
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The condition affects infants at an increased risk for cerebral palsy. Approximately 60% to 100% of babies diagnosed with PVL will have cerebral palsy at some point in their lives. The exact cause is not known, but it is believed to be related to a lack of blood flow and oxygen in the area around the ventricles of the brain. When premature babies are born, their brain tissues are especially fragile and may easily be damaged.