Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
If you're suffering from non-small cell lung cancer, you may be wondering if you should see a doctor. Your doctor may be able to help you with your symptoms and determine whether you need further testing. The cancer itself is relatively rare, but the symptoms you are experiencing could be the result of non-small cell lung cancer. While the symptoms aren't always apparent at first, it's important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
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Early non-small cell lung cancer symptoms may go unnoticed at first. You may only have a cough that occasionally produces blood, or you may have a different medical problem. Some of the symptoms you'll notice early on include fatigue, shortness of breath, and wheezing. You may also experience an appetite loss or fatigue. In later stages, you may also notice trouble swallowing, facial swelling, and bone, joint, and shoulder pain.
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Imaging tests may reveal abnormal growths in the lungs, as well as in other areas of the body. Your healthcare provider may choose to perform a biopsy of a suspicious area. Your doctor may also order a genetic test to determine whether you have a specific gene mutation. This can lead to targeted therapy. These tests are important for determining if you have cancer. But even if you don't notice any symptoms, it's still advisable to see a doctor to determine if there is a cancerous cell in your lungs.
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While you can't tell whether you're suffering from non-small cell lung cancer until your symptoms have progressed, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer can occur at any stage and may recur despite treatment. Your health care professional should be able to determine the stage of your cancer and recommend an appropriate course of treatment.
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The first stage of non-small cell lung cancer is called carcinoma in situ, where cancer cells have invaded the deep tissues of the lung. They have not spread to the lymph nodes. Stage III and IV lung cancer have spread to other parts of the body and can even reach the heart. The last stage of non-small cell lung cancer has metastasized to other organs. It can also spread to the lymph nodes.
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Other symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer may not be immediately obvious, but it is worth noting early warning signs. Early detection means better treatment options. So, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as you feel the first symptoms. Your doctor will determine the best treatment plan for you. Your doctors will recommend a combination of treatments. It is essential to understand the treatments that are available and to get proper diagnosis.
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Aside from the obvious signs, non-small cell lung cancer symptoms should also include the following: fatigue, shortness of breath, and other common symptoms. During your visit, the doctor will run various tests to determine the type of cancer. For instance, chest x-rays will show the extent of the disease and the likelihood of its spread. It is important to know that most cancer symptoms are not actually signs of cancer, but may be signs of other diseases.
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Small-cell lung cancer is uncommon and often starts in the bronchia. However, it is less aggressive than non-small-cell lung cancer. It has a higher risk of spreading to other organs. Moreover, it is more likely to spread to the blood stream or bones. If detected early, non-small cell lung cancer is treatable. If you suspect that you may have this disease, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.