Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
There are many non-small cell lung cancer symptoms. The most common is a chronic cough lasting eight weeks or longer. Some people attribute this to allergies, dry air, or the tail end of a cold. However, persistent cough may indicate lung cancer. Moreover, it can be caused by other conditions. To determine the presence of non-small cell lung cancer, consult a physician. Listed below are the common symptoms of this cancer.
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If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Although these symptoms could be a sign of another condition, they should be taken seriously. If they're severe, you should see a doctor right away for proper diagnosis. Listed below are the non-small cell lung cancer symptoms you should watch for. This may lead you to get tested for non-small cell lung cancer.
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Treatment options for non-small cell lung cancer will depend on the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer. Some cancers are operable and may even spread to other parts of the body, including the brain. While there are no specific treatments for non-small cell lung cancer, they can be managed to ensure your health and quality of life. If the cancer recurs, you may need to undergo another treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation.
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The first stage of non-small cell lung cancer is called carcinoma in situ, where cancer cells have invaded the deep tissues of the lung. They have not spread to the lymph nodes. Stage III and IV lung cancer have spread to other parts of the body and can even reach the heart. The last stage of non-small cell lung cancer has metastasized to other organs. It can also spread to the lymph nodes.
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Other symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer may not be immediately obvious, but it is worth noting early warning signs. Early detection means better treatment options. So, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as you feel the first symptoms. Your doctor will determine the best treatment plan for you. Your doctors will recommend a combination of treatments. It is essential to understand the treatments that are available and to get proper diagnosis.
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Aside from the obvious signs, non-small cell lung cancer symptoms should also include the following: fatigue, shortness of breath, and other common symptoms. During your visit, the doctor will run various tests to determine the type of cancer. For instance, chest x-rays will show the extent of the disease and the likelihood of its spread. It is important to know that most cancer symptoms are not actually signs of cancer, but may be signs of other diseases.
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Small-cell lung cancer is uncommon and often starts in the bronchia. However, it is less aggressive than non-small-cell lung cancer. It has a higher risk of spreading to other organs. Moreover, it is more likely to spread to the blood stream or bones. If detected early, non-small cell lung cancer is treatable. If you suspect that you may have this disease, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
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Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer. Early diagnosis is the key to having a cure for the disease. In addition, the treatment of NSCLC can also help prevent the disease from progressing and improving your quality of life. It is important to remember that non-small cell lung cancer symptoms are similar to those of other types of lung cancer.
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Among the most common symptoms of lung cancer, chronic cough with blood in the sputum, shortness of breath, weight loss, and neck and supraclavicular lymphadenectosis are the most common. However, some people will experience other symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and metastases. But the most common symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer are listed below.