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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

One of the first signs of non-small cell lung cancer is shortness of breath. People with lung adenocarcinoma are particularly likely to experience shortness of breath. However, this symptom may be subtle at first and be caused by a number of other factors, such as weight gain or lack of exercise. In addition, coughing up blood is an important symptom to look out for. Nearly seven percent of people with lung cancer will experience coughing up blood, or hemoptysis. The reason for this is that coughing up blood is an indicator of lung cancer, but it can also be a symptom of bronchitis or blood clots.

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If non-small cell lung cancer is detected early, there are treatments available that may improve symptoms. While it is not curable, many patients find relief from its symptoms and go on to lead productive lives. A doctor can perform a biopsy to determine if the cancer has spread to other areas of the body. Ultimately, non-small cell lung cancer treatment may be the best option. The best treatment options are individualized for each patient's symptoms.

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The most common form of non-small cell lung cancer is adenocarcinoma, which occurs in the mucus-secreting cells of the lungs. Fortunately, doctors can detect adenocarcinoma before it has spread to other parts of the body. The good news is that it usually has a better prognosis than other forms of lung cancer.

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If non-small cell lung cancer has spread to the lungs, treatment for non-small cell lung cancer will depend on the stage of the disease. In some cases, the patient may be able to undergo surgery to remove the cancer. Other non-small cell lung cancer treatments involve chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or targeted therapies. These treatments involve the use of potent drugs that kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing.

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If the symptoms of NSCLC are not recognizable by family members, it may be a sign of non-small cell lung cancer. If you are a child with non-small cell lung cancer, you should consider seeing a doctor right away. Your doctor will be able to rule out other causes of the disease before recommending treatment. However, there is no known cure for the disease.

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Once a physical exam indicates that non-small cell lung cancer is present, imaging tests may be conducted to determine the presence of any abnormalities in the lungs. Chest x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography (PET) are common tests to identify lung abnormalities. A sputum cytology is also a common method used to analyze lung tissue for cancer cells.

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Although small cell lung cancer is rare, it spreads quickly. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer symptoms are similar to those of small cell lung cancer. Early detection of both types of cancer is critical, and early diagnosis is often essential. You should seek a medical professional's advice if you suspect that you may have non-small cell lung cancer. And if you suspect that you have small cell lung cancer, it is important to get a biopsy to identify the type.

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While smoking causes more than 90% of all lung cancer cases, it can also cause non-smokers to develop the disease. The reason is not clear, but smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. Other factors that can lead to this disease include air pollution, exposure to hazardous materials, and workplace smoking. However, there are some non-smoker lung cancer symptoms you should be aware of. These include coughing that does not go away or shortness of breath.

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Treatment options for non-small cell lung cancer vary by stage and overall health. Many patients can undergo surgery to remove the tumor, while others may require chemotherapy or radiation therapy. However, you should discuss your treatment options and your treatment goals with your doctor before deciding on any course of action. If you or someone you love is diagnosed with the disease, there is a treatment option that will help you live a longer and healthier life.

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If you are concerned about non-small cell lung cancer symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. Symptoms of the disease may be caused by other conditions, such as asthma. Seeking treatment will help you determine whether you have non-small cell lung cancer and improve your chances of survival. If you are a smoker, it is crucial that you make an appointment with a qualified doctor. A good diagnosis can save your life.

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