Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
There are many Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer symptoms you may notice. Your doctor will examine you if these symptoms are present. Your doctor may order a CT scan to determine the location and size of the cancer. A biopsy of lung fluid or tissue may also be done. If the symptoms are persistent, your doctor may send you for a biopsy. Another test that may be necessary is a thoracoscopy, which involves a camera that is inserted through your chest wall. This test will determine if your cancer has spread to lymph nodes.
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Adenocarcinoma is a type of lung cancer that begins in mucus-secreting cells in the lungs. Early diagnosis of this type of cancer is key to a positive prognosis. It spreads slowly and is often easier to treat, which makes it ideal for smokers. Patients who have adenocarcinoma should see a doctor as soon as possible.
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Treatment for non-small cell lung cancer varies depending on the stage of the disease and the overall health of the patient. Surgery may be used to remove the entire tumor, while chemotherapy or radiation may be necessary for some patients. Regardless of the treatment option your doctor chooses, it's important to discuss the options with your doctor and decide what would best suit your specific needs. You should be aware of the symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer and the symptoms that may occur as a result of the disease.
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After a physical exam, your doctor may suspect non-small cell lung cancer and recommend imaging tests to identify any abnormalities in your lungs. Chest x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and bone scan are some of the imaging procedures used for detecting non-small cell lung cancer. A sample of your sputum may also be examined to check for cancer cells.
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Often the non-small cell lung cancer symptoms are the same as those of SCLC. The difference is that non-small cell lung cancer can spread to other organs. If your symptoms occur before the disease is detected, you may be able to get treatment to stop it from worsening. The best way to prevent NSCLC from progressing is to treat it early. For more information, read the non-small cell lung cancer symptoms article below.
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Symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer may include a persistent cough, sputum that contains blood, fatigue, weight loss, and fever. Some patients may experience other symptoms, such as metastases pain, including general fatigue. These symptoms are considered to be the first signs of cancer. If these symptoms are present, your doctor may want to see you as soon as possible. You may also experience other symptoms, including dizziness, a loss of appetite, or even weight loss.
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Small-cell lung cancer is rare and usually starts in the bronchia. Symptoms of non-small-cell lung cancer include the symptoms mentioned above, and treatment will vary accordingly. A biopsy will be performed to identify the type of cancer. During the biopsy, a small piece of lung tissue is removed and examined under a microscope. Your doctor may also recommend chemotherapy or radiation to treat the condition.