Neuroprotective Drugs for Cerebral Stroke - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Stroke
Recent advances in endovascular thrombectomy are presenting new opportunities to consider neuroprotective drugs. These drugs have the potential to prolong the time window for restoring blood flow to the brain and protect surrounding tissue. These agents could also improve the long-term functional outcome of patients with cerebral stroke. An ongoing trial at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is testing the efficacy of two blood-thinning drugs.
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Researchers are advancing genetic research to identify genes and conditions that increase the risk of stroke. Some individuals have a rare inherited disorder that causes them to have an unusual risk of stroke, such as cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with sub-cortical infarcts and leukodystrophy. In these conditions, thickened blood vessel walls block blood flow to the brain. Genetic studies will help identify these disorders and develop treatments for them.
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After a stroke, the brain cells die and the patient experiences permanent damage. The affected brain cells linger in this compromised state for several hours. As a result, the sooner treatment is given to a stroke victim, the higher the chances of saving their life. Symptoms of a stroke can be difficult to recognize, but a quick reaction can make the difference between survival and death. Fortunately, doctors are able to save lives in the most severe cases.
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An artery in the brain bursts and leads to a hemorrhagic stroke. The blood entering the brain increases intracranial pressure, causing considerable damage to the surrounding tissue.
Moreover, the blood mass compresses nearby brain tissue and its toxic contents cause further damage. In addition to this, bleeding can also occur in the brain's ventricles, which contain cerebrospinal fluid. If an artery in the brain is occluded, ventricular shunts can drain the blood.
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In addition, the risk of having a stroke differs between different racial and ethnic groups. African Americans have twice the risk of a stroke than Caucasians. Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders have a higher risk of stroke than Caucasians. People with a family history of stroke have a 25-40% chance of experiencing another stroke within 5 years. If you have suffered a stroke, you should seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible to minimize any complications.
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A blood test for stroke is a good alternative to the imaging of the brain and is most helpful for confirming the diagnosis of a stroke. This test would most likely be most useful during the ambulance transfer to the hospital. However, it would be redundant once the patient underwent brain imaging. A blood test for stroke is best done before the brain imaging. If the patient has suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, a blood test for it would be redundant after the imaging process is completed.
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Acute therapies for ischemic stroke aim to stop the stroke while it is occurring. These medications try to dissolve a blood clot and reduce bleeding. Then, post-stroke rehabilitation helps patients overcome disabilities due to the stroke. However, both types of treatment have their limitations. The most common forms of treatment for stroke include medical procedures and medication. The most common medicines used in acute stroke therapy are antithrombotics and thrombolytics.
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The most common type of stroke in the U.S. is ischemic stroke, which causes a blood clot in the brain. Other types are hemorrhagic stroke and "mini-strokes" or transient ischemic attacks. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's imperative to contact emergency medical services immediately. The symptoms of stroke are not always immediately obvious, but they should not be ignored.
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Researchers at NINDS have identified a variety of causes for the disease and are developing novel therapies to help patients overcome it. Their research seeks to restore blood flow to the brain and protect brain cells from dying. They also investigate ways to improve rehabilitation and post-stroke recovery. The NINDS supports the most research on stroke in the U.S., making it an essential resource for researchers and patients. However, research will continue to be necessary for new treatments and a better understanding of the causes of this disease.
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The main underlying cause of ischemic stroke is a weak spot on the artery wall. This weak spot becomes stretched over time and eventually ruptures, causing dangerously high intracranial pressure. Most cerebral aneurysms are small and do not cause symptoms, but if one is large or has a family history of bleeding aneurysms, the risk of stroke increases significantly. This type of brain injury requires a neurosurgical repair.