Lacunar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Lacunar Stroke
Your doctor will probably do a few tests to determine if you've had a lacunar stroke. A CT scan, or computed tomography scan, can take detailed images of your brain, but they're not the most accurate way to diagnose the condition. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, on the other hand, is more sensitive and may be used to detect lacunar strokes. A CT angiography is another test your doctor might use to rule out other possible causes of your stroke.
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Researchers have found that lacunar infarct is more common in some populations than others. A recent review of studies suggests that the risk of lacunar infarct is higher in Black people. A study published in the Lancet compared two studies, one conducted in an African-American community, and one in a white community. The researchers found that Black people had a higher incidence of lacunar infarct, despite the fact that the two groups had similar risk factors.
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The best way to detect a lacunar stroke is to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will examine you thoroughly, including your blood pressure and your overall health. During the first few days, your doctor may also perform heart function tests. A lacunar stroke can result in permanent disability. The earlier you can get treatment, the better your chances of surviving. But even if you've already had one, you'll likely need ongoing treatment.
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MRIs of patients with lacunar stroke may be helpful in identifying the underlying causes of the condition. MRIs can show a lack of brain tissue and may be a more accurate marker of the condition. In addition, the lack of pathological material can lead to a misdiagnosis.
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Ultimately, the goal is to identify a cure for lacunar infarction. This is a complicated process.
Approximately 45 percent of patients with lacunar stroke will have pure motor hemiparesis. Patients will have weakness in one or both legs and may experience ipsilateral or contralateral cerebellar signs. Patients with sensory loss may also have ataxia, which is characterized by weakness of the limbs. Dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome is the least common form of lacunar stroke.
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The overall prognosis for patients with lacunar stroke varies from poor to good. In general, patients with a single silent lacunar lesion have a better outcome than those with multiple silent lesions. It is also important to note that patients with 2 or more silent lacunar lesions have poorer prognosis and functional outcomes compared to those with one or more silent lesions. This study also analyzed 339 patients with a first-time lacunar stroke.
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Patients with this type of stroke may have several risk factors in common with those with other types of ischemic stroke. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are the most common risk factors for lacunar stroke. However, these two conditions have been found to be correlated with the occurrence of ischemic heart disease in more extensive clinical series. If your doctor suspects a lacunar stroke, he or she will perform a MRI to confirm the diagnosis.
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After the event, treatment for lacunar stroke involves the care of a neurologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and social therapists. Physical therapy can help address any physical deficits and muscle relaxants can reduce spasticity. Pharmacists are important for patients on multiple medications and can check for drug interactions. Rehabilitation therapy must continue to maximize neurologic function and recovery. Primary care providers should coordinate the care of patients with risk factors for stroke.
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Lacunar stroke is caused by a blockage of a branch of a small blood vessel in the brain. These strokes typically occur in the deeper areas of the brain, where there are many smaller blood vessel branches. Patients experiencing lacunar stroke have five main symptoms that correspond to the area of the brain that is affected. Although you may not experience symptoms of lacunar stroke, multiple strokes may lead to long-term disability, including loss of memory and dementia.