Lacunar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Lacunar
A lacunar stroke is a type of stroke that occurs when an artery supplying the deep structures of the brain is blocked. These arteries are smaller and branch off of the large, heavily muscled main artery. High blood pressure can cause lacunar strokes because of its direct effect on the arteries and its tendency to increase the risk of atherosclerosis, a disease in which fats and cholesterol deposit on the walls of blood vessels.
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A common treatment for a stroke in the large arteries is the use of blood-thinning medications. Unfortunately, these medications do not work as well for people with lacunar stroke. A more effective treatment is the use of antiplatelet drugs, which can be given directly to the brain. In more severe cases, a neurosurgeon may need to remove the blockage or clot. While most people recovering from a lacunar stroke can return to their normal activities, the symptoms may linger for a long time.
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The incidence of hypertension, diabetes, and other cardiovascular conditions is about the same in patients with a lacunar stroke and those without. Lacunar strokes are also less likely to be caused by heart embolism than non-lacunar strokes. This difference supports the hypothesis that lacunar strokes may be due to a type of non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy. This research highlights the need for an integrated approach in stroke care.
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The TOAST method uses risk factors in stroke diagnosis, which can lead to a biased outcome. A paucity of pathological material can result in the wrong diagnosis. Another problem with lacunar stroke is the lack of clinical studies for the diagnosis. The best way to treat it is to work with an experienced neurologists. They can help you determine whether you have the condition before it becomes more severe. While there are many causes of stroke, the lacunar hypothesis is an excellent candidate for the treatment of the disease.
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Although the MRI-defined lacunar infarcts are uncommon in healthy, elderly people, there are certain risk factors for this type of stroke. The highest risk factors for this type of stroke are age and diastolic blood pressure, but differences between these subgroups are not great enough to suggest different mechanisms of disease. The symptoms of a lacunar stroke can last for weeks or even months. In some cases, the condition can lead to permanent disability and physical rehabilitation.
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Symptoms of a lacunar stroke typically develop over several hours, and they may progress throughout the course of a patient's stuttering. In addition, patients may develop symptoms of a pure motor or sensory hemiparesis, with the corresponding weakness of one side of the body. Another sign of a lacunar stroke is weakness of one or both arms, legs, or face. When a person suffers from a lacunar stroke, they may experience ataxia.
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In addition to these symptoms, lacunar infarcts may increase the risk of a subsequent stroke. Because it is a life-threatening condition, people should seek immediate medical attention if they suspect that they are suffering from this disease. Some lifestyle choices, such as a healthy diet and regular physical activity, may lower the risk of lacunar infarcts. Besides healthy eating habits, avoiding smoking and getting a regular checkup, lifestyle changes like exercising 150 minutes per week, and taking prescribed medications, can also reduce the risk.
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The study was limited in size, as 2403 subjects were excluded from the study. Of the 841 subjects with lacunar infarcts, 554 had a single lacune, 184 had two, and 25 had three or four. These patients had a total of 1270 lacunes. Of these, 259 (20%) had one that was less than five millimeters. Another forty-nine subjects (36%) had lacunes with a diameter of 10 mm or more.
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The diagnosis of lacunar stroke requires the careful matching of the patient's symptoms and the location of the infarct. The symptoms are similar to those of ischemic stroke. Patients must undergo an initial CT/MRI to rule out other life-threatening conditions. Acute treatment is similar to that of a classic acute ischemic stroke. In some cases, a lacunar stroke may be treated in the same way as an ischemic stroke.
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A quarter of all ischaemic strokes are lacunar in origin. These strokes are not considered benign, however. A small portion of them is the result of artery-to-artery emboli. Larger lacunes, however, are the result of intracranial large-artery stenoses. This type of stroke is characterized by a smooth appearance and rounded shape. Once detected, lacunar stroke should be investigated for any underlying causes.