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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Lacunar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Lacunar

A lacunar stroke is a type of stroke that affects the cerebrum. In contrast to the other kinds of strokes, lacunar strokes occur when the blood clots form in the heart or neck and travel through the bloodstream to the brain. An embolus, or piece of debris in the blood, does not travel through the small arteries in the brain but is unable to reach the brain. In this type of stroke, the victim is not able to move.

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The researchers conducted a longitudinal study of the mechanisms of lacunar stroke. They included 118 patients with lacunar stroke syndrome. These patients were excluded if they lacked the capacity to consent, had severe renal impairments, or had an undiagnosed cortical acute stroke. This study also excluded patients whose MRI baseline examination did not confirm a stroke diagnosis. This study found that the most common risk factors for lacunar stroke were not necessarily the same as those for cortical acute stroke.

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A higher diagnostic accuracy of lacunar infarction is provided by MRI. The diffusion-weighted image, which is produced by MRI, is the most reliable imaging modality to detect lacunes. It helps distinguish between acute and chronic infarction by defining the extent of signal loss in the lacunes. A lacune appears as a focal area of decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted images, while a chronic lesion appears as a region of isointensity to CSF.

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A lacunar stroke usually affects the sensory and motor areas of the brain. Damage to the internal capsule of the brain causes motor and sensory abnormalities. These abnormalities usually affect the same side of the body, so the patient may experience weakness in one or both arms or legs. In some cases, facial weakness may be present, as well. Dysphagia may also be present. However, this condition is rare. In any case, treatment is necessary immediately.

Oren Zarif

Oren Zarif stroke

The risk of a lacunar stroke is similar to that for other types of ischemic stroke. However, some risk factors are unique to lacunar infarctions. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are the most common. However, in other larger clinical series, these factors have been reported at similar frequencies. In a study by Arboix et al., they reported on a Barcelona series of patients with lacunar infarction.

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Moreover, the presence of a small cavity on the brain is characteristic of a lacune. The initial description of a lacune dates back to the late nineteenth century. However, modern imaging technology has confirmed this initial hypothesis. The presence of small cavernous cavities is often the result of a lacunar infarction that has healed. Occasionally, a lacune may also occur as a result of a large intracerebral hemorrhage or infarction.

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The doctor will conduct a full neurological exam to rule out other medical conditions. An electrocardiogram may also be performed. A doctor will prescribe medications to reduce the risk of a stroke. If a stroke has occurred, intensive antihypertensive therapy and lipid management may be necessary to prevent future recurrence. In addition to these, supportive measures such as physical therapy may be necessary, such as an oxygen mask and a specialized breathing machine.

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Although it is still not completely understood what causes lacunes, researchers know that a portion of them are caused by emboli originating in larger arteries. Although emboli may cause lacunes, they are rarer than other types of ischemic stroke. Aside from preventing these ischemic strokes, the research aims to target secondary prevention regimens to prevent them from occurring. While more research is needed to understand the pattern of brain lesion, lacunes have clear clinical and epidemiologic reasons to separate them.

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The causes of a lacunar stroke vary, but they are essentially similar to those of large-vessel atheroma. A microatheroma is characterized by lipid-laden macrophages. The clinical presentation depends on the area of the brain affected, but it can cause severe hemiplegia. While cortical findings are absent, lacunar infarcts are often associated with severe hemiplegia.

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Researchers have begun the DNA Lacunar 2 study in hopes of understanding how blood flows through the small arteries in the brain. Cerebral Small Vessel Disease is an ischaemic stroke, which is one of the most poorly understood subtypes. Cerebral small vessel disease can cause disabling symptoms such as memory loss, poor co-ordination, and difficulty communicating. If left untreated, these symptoms can lead to a variety of other health problems, including vascular dementia.

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A small number of studies have investigated the risk factors for lacunar infarcts in the basal ganglia. Only one of these studies looked at the longitudinal association between baseline vascular risk factors and the development of new infarcts. The researchers hypothesized that patients with a history of cerebrovascular disease would have different risk factor profiles than those without it. These findings have implications for the diagnosis of lacunar infarcts.

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