Lacunar Infarction - Oren Zarif - Lacunar Stroke
Most studies of strokes are focused on the physiology of cortical ischemic lesions. To develop effective therapies for lacunar stroke, it is imperative to identify the mechanisms underlying the progressive motor deficits of lacunar infarction. MRI and CT can show the presence of infarction. However, there are some drawbacks of this method. Listed below are some of them:
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The main symptom of lacunar stroke is weakness in one side or both sides of the body. The symptoms are usually asymmetrical and out of proportion to the affected side. The patient may display some ipsilateral cerebellar signs but no cortical signs. Symptoms can also be mild or severe. A patient may have symptoms of dysarthria, ataxia, or weakness in one limb. Dysphagia is another symptom.
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A third risk factor for lacunar stroke is a high level of sensitivity. This means that there is a greater chance that the patient will be susceptible to an embolic event. However, this type of stroke is relatively rare. The majority of patients with lacunar stroke are healthy. While preventing stroke is crucial, it is not a cure. Researchers are still working to determine the causes of lacunar stroke and to develop a drug that works.
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Some studies suggest that the risk of lacunar infarcts increases as a person ages. Those with chronic high blood pressure, heart disorders, or diabetes are at risk. However, despite the lack of animal data, lacunar infarcts are associated with other risk factors, such as hematological disorders and inflammatory arteritis. Infectious arteritis and Helicobacter pylori infection are also associated with lacunar infarcts.
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After a lacunar ischemic event, intensive antihypertensive therapy, high dose statin therapy, and tight blood glucose control are essential to the patient's recovery. After a lacunar stroke, patients may require several months of outpatient rehabilitation to restore normal neurologic function. However, many patients who experience lacunar infarcts are able to recover fully, but there is no guarantee of full recovery.
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Imaging tests are necessary to diagnose this condition. A CT scan is an imaging test that provides detailed images of the brain. However, a CT scan may not be accurate enough to detect lacunar infarcts. Therefore, a more accurate imaging test, such as MRI, may be needed. Although CT is not 100% accurate, it can show the presence of blockages in blood vessels. In addition, MRIs are much more sensitive than CT scans and may be used to identify patients with new lacunar infarctions.
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Another disadvantage of this study was the lack of a control group. An age-matched comparison of patients with lacunar stroke would provide a better picture of the influence of acute lacunar infarct on cognition. Also, different studies use different cognitive tests, which makes it difficult to compare results across studies. Because of these problems, lacunar stroke studies should aim to include as many participants as possible in a larger database.
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Treatment of lacunar stroke is similar to ischemic stroke. During treatment, blood clots are broken up with medicine or by mechanical devices. Patients are often prescribed blood-thinning medications to prevent thrombotic reactions and to limit any further brain damage. If treatment is not completed in time, a patient can still develop complications and require physical rehabilitation. Further, there is the possibility of permanent disability, even in a small number of cases.
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Although the occurrence of lacunar stroke is rare, the symptoms of the condition are similar to those of multiple sclerosis. Patients suffering from multiple sclerosis may have paroxysmal attacks of ataxia and dysarthria. MRI also helps differentiate ischemic lesions from demyelinating lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis. Patients with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis may also experience postictal states or oligoclonal bands on lumbar puncture.
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If the patient's symptoms are consistent with a lacunar stroke, it may be time to seek treatment. A lacunar stroke is a type of ischemic stroke and is the result of an occlusion of a single penetrating artery in the brain. Lacunar infarctions represent one-fifth of strokes, and the majority of patients suffer from no obvious symptoms. However, a large number of cases result in significant physical and cognitive disability.