Ischemic Stroke Treatment - Oren Zarif - Ischemic Stroke
Antiplatelet medication is an important part of the treatment of ischemic stroke. Patients are given aspirin to prevent clots and recurrence of the stroke. Most doctors prescribe aspirin daily as a preventative measure. Patients are advised to follow doctor's instructions, but patients who have recently undergone thrombolysis or other stroke-inducing procedures should wait 24 hours before they start taking aspirin. Other medications are given in case the patient is intolerant of aspirin.
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Symptoms of ischemic stroke include difficulty speaking and understanding speech, sudden numbness, and weakness. They usually affect one side of the body or just one side of the body. For example, one side of the mouth may droop when smiling. In some patients, vision may be black, double, or blurred. Patients should be examined by a physician as soon as they begin experiencing these symptoms. Some of these signs may be mistaken for other types of stroke.
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Antiplatelet therapy is often started within 24 hours of symptoms, and it is important to reduce the risk of future vascular events and cardiac arrhythmias. Patients should receive early physical therapy after CVA. In general, the decision whether to diagnose a patient with an ischemic stroke is made by an interprofessional team consisting of an emergency room physician, a neurologist, and a radiologist. According to the most recent guidelines,
antiplatelet agents should be given intravenously within 4.5 hours of the onset of symptoms.
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Mechanical thrombolysis (MT) is an important treatment for ischemic stroke. If the symptoms occur within six hours of onset of the stroke, mechanical thrombectomy is used to break the clot. In some cases, MT is done in addition to thrombolytic therapy. Since mechanical thrombectomy is a highly specialized treatment, it should be done only by specialists in stroke centers with extensive experience in stent retrieval. For patients with symptomatic ischemic stroke, some hospitals use an MRI technique known as perfusion MRI. This type of imaging helps to determine how much blood is flowing to the brain and which parts of the body are receiving oxygen.
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Other causes of stroke include an irregular heartbeat and heart valve problems. These conditions usually affect older individuals and are associated with high cholesterol and atherosclerosis. Although thrombotic stroke symptoms do not show up immediately, they often come on gradually, sometimes over a period of hours or days. If you suspect you may be suffering from atherosclerosis, contact a doctor immediately. You do not want to suffer from a life-threatening ischemic stroke.
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In addition to the usual symptoms of a stroke, a TIA is a warning sign of a possible ischemic stroke. A TIA is a temporary blockage of blood supply in the brain. Although it does not result in any permanent damage, it can be a symptom of a more serious stroke. If you experience any of these symptoms, get emergency medical help immediately. You should seek medical care if your symptoms last longer than 24 hours. If the TIA is followed by bleeding or damage to nearby brain cells, it may be an early warning sign.
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A tPA treatment involves a medication that helps break up clots. Fortunately, tPA is generally effective if it is given as soon as possible after the symptoms start. Some people may be able to take anticoagulants, but if these are the only medications you're taking, you may be ineligible for tPA therapy. A mechanical thrombectomy, which involves the removal of a clot in the artery, is a more effective way to treat ischemic stroke.
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The cause of ischemic stroke is unknown, but certain signs and symptoms are consistent with a thrombus, embolus, or hypoperfusion. In both cases, a decrease in blood flow to a specific area in the brain correlates with exam findings, and clinicians can often predict which part of the brain vasculature will be affected. In most cases, a stroke is caused by a thrombotic occlusion in a cerebral artery, which is most common. A computed tomography (CTA) angiogram (CT) is an excellent tool for detecting large vessel stenosis and is responsible for about a third of all ischemic strokes.
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Another common cause of ischemic stroke is blood clots that lodge in the artery to the brain. A clot can form in any part of the body and travel to the brain. They can be either partially or completely blocked and block blood flow to the brain. Luckily, clots rarely cause any lasting symptoms. During transient ischemic attacks, people may not feel any symptoms at all. They may have temporary pain or a tingling sensation.