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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Ischemic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Ischemic Stroke

The clinical definition of stroke varies. There are several variations, but most commonly stroke is described as a single vascular event. While this definition may be sufficient in certain situations, it does not account for all cases. Some strokes result in more than one vascular event. To help guide medical decisions, an ischemic stroke has a distinct symptomatology. Patients suffering from stroke often experience a number of different symptoms. The symptoms can include transient or persistent stroke-like conditions.

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Treatment of ischemic stroke depends on the time of stroke onset. The earlier the stroke is treated, the better, since two million neurons die every minute. A new drug called tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) may be administered if the stroke is less than four and a half hours old. Another treatment involves mechanical thrombectomy, in which a catheter is inserted into the femoral artery, moves to the blocked artery in the brain, and then pulls out the clot.

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Ischemic stroke is characterized by the sudden loss of blood supply to the brain and causes loss of neurological function. An acute ischemic stroke is more common than a hemorrhagic stroke, and is caused by a thrombotic occlusion of the cerebral artery. CTA can detect large-vessel stenosis, which accounts for approximately one-third of ischemic strokes.

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Treatment of ischemic stroke may be complex and vary depending on the type of clot that caused the stroke. Some may focus on preventing the formation of new blood clots. Anticoagulants, such as aspirin, are used to treat certain types of strokes. While anticoagulants are generally not given to people with acute ischemic stroke, they are still used to treat other conditions such as cardioembolism and dissection of a large artery.

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Often, underlying conditions such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis can cause ischemic stroke. In these cases, patients may need to receive treatment for those conditions, such as a stent to open narrowed arteries or statins to reduce blood pressure. After ischemic stroke, survivors may need to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days, and may undergo rehabilitation to regain lost function.

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Ischemic stroke symptoms will appear quickly and can go away and come back again. These are known as transient ischemic attack (TIA) and can be one of the early warning signs of a stroke. However, ischemic stroke symptoms can recur, so you must know what they are so that you can seek medical attention in time. Acute ischemic stroke can lead to death. The sooner you seek treatment, the better.

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In many cases, the arteries that supply the brain and spinal cord become blocked or narrowed. This narrowing causes blood cells to collect and cause clots. Although ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke, children tend to recover much faster than adults. Their brains can adapt to the damage much more quickly than adults'. Symptoms can include weakness, sensory loss, and language impairment. Acute ischemic stroke is a serious condition, but treatment can prevent its devastating effects.

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Symptoms of an ischemic stroke vary from person to person. People who have experienced an ischemic stroke may not experience any chest pain. But, an ECG is a useful tool in the diagnosis process. The heart's rhythm is constantly monitored, so an ECG is important to diagnose any potential problems early. A cardiac enlargement, dizziness, or loss of balance are other symptoms to look for. A patient may also experience difficulty understanding speech or interpreting time.

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Another symptom of an ischemic stroke is a loss of speech and/or paralysis. The loss of speech and the associated paralysis can occur simultaneously. If the brain has already lost the ability to produce speech, this condition is also called a silent infarction. In some cases, it is possible to detect a silent infarct through imaging. However, in most cases, it takes more than a day for a patient to experience a full-blown ischemic stroke.

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An ischemic stroke is a type of vascular event that happens when blood stops flowing to a certain part of the brain. A blood clot or plaque may form and travel through the bloodstream until it lodges in the brain. Often, atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat, is the culprit. However, an ischemic stroke is a serious medical event that requires immediate medical care. This condition can lead to death if left untreated.

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