Ischemic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Ischemic Stroke
When a blood clot forms in a vein in the leg, it can travel to the brain. Sometimes, small pieces of bone and fat can get into the bloodstream and travel to the heart. Other times, these objects can travel to an artery in the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism. A third possible cause of ischemic stroke is a blockage in a blood vessel in the lung called the pulmonary artery. In these situations, clots may enter the aorta and travel to the brain.
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The rapid assessment and treatment of ischemic stroke requires an organized stroke protocol. For acute ischemic stroke, a 60-minute door-to-needle time is recommended. This time frame is crucial for patients who qualify for thrombolytic therapy. Initial evaluations for all patients include blood pressure, airway, breathing, circulation, and vital signs. A fingerstick glucose test may also be needed to rule out hypoglycemia.
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The two types of ischemia differ slightly in their treatment and prognosis. For ischemic stroke, focal ischemia should be included in the definition of the disease, while global ischemia should not be. Treatment of focal ischemia involves reperfusion strategies and correcting the underlying systemic disorder. Both types of stroke have some common symptoms. However, it is important to differentiate between these types of ischemia.
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Most people who suffer from ischemic stroke will not recover fully from their symptoms. However, 50% of people with one-sided paralysis and mild symptoms will recover some function. These individuals can walk, speak, and think with some assistance. However, 10% of people will not recover all their function. They may not be able to speak, eat, or move. It is important to know your options if you suspect you are suffering from an ischemic stroke.
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If you have any of these symptoms, the first step is to see a doctor immediately. This will allow you to get the right diagnosis. Once you've made the diagnosis, your doctor can begin treatment. If you're suffering from a stroke, you may want to undergo a CT scan. The images will show if there is a problem in the artery. If you're not seeing a clot, it's likely that you are suffering from ischemic stroke.
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The symptoms of ischemic stroke are similar to those of hemorrhagic stroke, except that an artery is blocked. In contrast, hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, is caused by bleeding. When the blood vessel becomes blocked, it will begin to block the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain. Symptoms of an ischemic stroke usually include muscle weakness, paralysis, loss of sensation in one side of the body, trouble speaking, confusion, vision problems, and balance. Diagnosing an ischemic stroke usually begins with a physical examination, and can be followed by a brain imaging.
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In the event of an arterial ischemic stroke, treatment is often started in the emergency room. The care team will decide whether to administer clot-dissolving drugs or perform a thrombectomy. If thrombolytic treatment is unsuccessful, they may try another treatment option, such as mechanical thrombectomy. These two options may have different results, but the benefits are much higher when thrombolytic treatment begins earlier in the stroke.
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While the cause of ischemic stroke may be varied, there are a few predefined clinical syndromes of the condition. These predefined symptoms often correlate with a decreased blood flow in certain brain areas. By using clinical exam findings, clinicians can predict which areas of the brain's vasculature may be affected. The most common source of ischemic stroke is the middle cerebral artery. It contains four segments, the M1 and the M2 segments, which supply the basal ganglia, the insula, the striatum, and the inferolateral frontal lobe.
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Early definitions of ischemic stroke were based on the duration of the symptoms. However, modern brain imaging has shown that brain ischemia can last for hours or days before irreversible damage occurs. This is why the most important aspect of treatment is to break up or remove the clot as soon as possible. Various medications or procedures may be used to achieve this goal. One of these is tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), which can break up the clot and significantly reduce the effects of ischemia and the risks of permanent disability.
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If the symptoms of ischemic stroke are present, doctors may order imaging tests to identify any blockages in the major arteries. The early treatment of these blockages will minimize the damage to the brain. If the underlying disorder is not corrected, blood clots can form again, leading to another stroke. A heart rhythm abnormality may also be a risk factor. In addition to imaging tests, doctors may order blood-pressure measurements to determine the exact location of the blockage.