Ischemic Encephalopathy - Oren Zarif - Ischemic
Ischemic encephalopathy is a condition where the blood supply to one of the body's vital organs is severely compromised. The brain and the heart are two of the main targets of this condition. In addition to blockages in these organs, ischemia may also be caused by other medical conditions, including low blood pressure, diabetes, and hernias. A vascular disease such as stroke or a heart attack can also lead to ischemic encephalopathy.
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The immediate consequences of ischemia are decreased coronary venous oxygen saturation, diminished ATP production, and decreased regional and global LV contractility. Within two minutes, ischemic events result in systemic hemodynamic changes based on the severity and location of the occlusion. Within two minutes, significant electrocardiographic ST-segment changes are seen, and patients often experience chest pain and an increased risk of ischemic heart disease.
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Although ischemic encephalopathy usually has a short-term impact, it is often permanent. The brain can be permanently damaged when blood flow to the brain is reduced dramatically. In some cases, cardiac arrest can trigger a global cerebral ischemia. Although symptoms can be brief, brain damage may occur if a significant period of time passes before the blood supply is restored. In such cases, reperfusion may be necessary to protect brain tissue, but it can also result in damage.
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If the blood supply to the heart is compromised due to a narrowing of the arteries, it will become ischemic. This lack of oxygen and blood can lead to a heart attack or heart tissue death. The pain that angina pectoris causes is a sign of ischemia. In some cases, the condition may be silent, with no symptoms. However, if a heart attack is imminent, angina pectoris can lead to fatal consequences.
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Ischemic heart disease is the most common type of heart condition in adults, but it can also affect children. Its prevalence increases with age and is much higher in men than in women. When men are 65 to 94 years old, they have twice as many episodes of coronary heart disease as women. A diagnosis of silent ischemia can only be made with the help of a Holter monitor, which records heart rate and rhythm for 24 hours. If a silent ischemic attack does occur, it is important to stop alcohol and start an exercise program.
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In addition to vascular diseases, cerebral ischemia is caused by a number of other medical conditions. Untreated heart attacks can cause a blood clot to form, preventing blood from reaching the brain. It can also be triggered by an abnormality in hemoglobin. Patients with sickle-cell anemia, for instance, have irregularly shaped red blood cells, which tend to clot more easily than normal ones.
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Although there is no known cure for myocardial ischemia, it is important to monitor for any signs of heart disease. If symptoms of heart failure occur, seek emergency medical attention. If your symptoms persist, consult a doctor. The Mayo Clinic offers free health information, expert advice and management techniques. You'll also need to consult with a physician if you experience any of the symptoms listed above. The symptoms of cardiac ischemia can affect your daily activities and may result in fainting or an irregular heartbeat.
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The most common cause of ischemia is a blockage of one of the arteries. The cause of ischemia varies from person to person, but can range from a weakened heart to angina and death. Regardless of the cause, ischemia should be treated promptly. It can be a life-threatening condition and requires urgent medical attention. However, in most cases, there's no way to avoid its symptoms, which is why it is vital to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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While a transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs when blood flow to the brain is temporarily decreased, ischemia can lead to a permanent blockage. It can also lead to a more serious ischemic stroke. In transient ischemic attacks, however, the blood flow to the brain is interrupted for a short time, putting the patient at risk for a more serious stroke. And it can happen without warning.