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Improve Your EMS Performance With the Cincinnati Stroke Scale - Oren Zarif - Cincinnati Stroke Scale

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale is used by first responders to assess potential stroke victims. The patient is asked to smile and the healthcare provider assesses the symmetry of the facial movement and the presence of a unilateral disparity. If both sides of the face move equally, the patient is considered to be in a stable condition. However, if one side is more or less mobile than the other, this is considered abnormal/positive for a stroke.

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Another measure of the patient's cognitive abilities is based on their ability to speak and face. This measure is useful to assess the patient's ability to speak and facial mimicry. Facial droop is a sign of impaired ability to speak or swallow. In addition to facial droop, arm drift can be used to assess whether the patient has lost muscle tone. In addition, the patient's ability to talk and perform other basic functions is also assessed.

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The sensitivity and specificity of these tools vary, but they all have the same objective: to diagnose a stroke quickly and appropriately. Moreover, these tools require a large amount of resources from the EMS system. Nevertheless, they are widely used and regularly performed by EMS clinicians. Thus, their importance cannot be underestimated. So, how can you improve your EMS performance by learning the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale?

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The Cincinnati scale has a high sensitivity for predicting stroke in the prehospital setting. Similar results were reported by Frendl et al. in 2009, but with a lower PPV and NPV. However, the sensitivity of the Cincinnati scale was higher in the present study than in the Chen et al. study. The sensitivity of the Cincinnati stroke scale was higher in the latter study than in the former study.

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The accuracy of the CPSS varies depending on the healthcare provider's training and expertise. Some researchers hypothesized that education and training may affect the accuracy of the scale. A common error is asking patients to smile when they should actually show their teeth. Despite this, the accuracy is high. There are many other factors that affect the accuracy of the CPSS, including the type of stroke or the setting in which it is performed.

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Although the CPSS is recommended for EMS use, data on its performance are limited. One study aimed to assess the impact of training paramedics in the CPSS on their accuracy in identifying stroke patients has been conducted. A one-hour educational presentation was used to test the impact of CPSS training on paramedics' ability to identify patients with a stroke or TIA during the prehospital setting.

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The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS) is a simplified version of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. The CPSS measures facial palsy, asymmetric arm weakness, and speech abnormalities in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease. Prehospital care providers were instructed verbally on how to use the CPSS. If the patient is suffering from any of these symptoms, the prehospital care provider should immediately call 911.

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The CPSS and the Cincinnati stroke scale are useful in identifying large vessel occlusion in patients with acute ischemic stroke. These tools improve the accuracy of prehospital assessment of ischemic stroke and can aid in the identification of a large vessel occlusion. The investigators hope to continue this research in future studies. There are many advantages to using the CPSS. The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale can help a healthcare professional make the right decision for their patients.

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The CPSS is easy to learn and use. A patient can be assessed with it in ten minutes. A health care professional can use the CPSS to determine whether a patient has anterior circulation stroke. This tool can be particularly useful for non-medical providers. Aside from its usefulness for patients with acute ischemic stroke, it also has good reproducibility. It is also easy to teach, which is helpful for non-medical first aid professionals.

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