How to Treat a Spinal Stroke in a Dog - Oren Zarif - Spinal Stroke
Treatment for spinal stroke varies depending on the cause. If the stroke is ischemic, the doctor may prescribe blood thinners or antiplatelet drugs (common drugs like aspirin). Depending on the extent of the paralysis, the doctor may prescribe a drug to control symptoms or reduce risk of another stroke. Physical and occupational therapy may also be necessary to regain range of motion. While many people recover fully from spinal stroke, the process may take months or years.
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A hemorrhagic stroke happens when blood vessels supplying the spinal cord rupture. This condition can be caused by high blood pressure or an accident. In either case, the blood vessels may rupture and bleed in the area around the spinal cord, impairing blood flow to the rest of the cord. Ultimately, the bleeding may cause swelling of the spinal cord, which may cause permanent damage. If you notice these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
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Symptoms of spinal stroke vary depending on where the stroke has struck. The symptoms of the stroke can range from numbness to a loss of sensation in the legs. The extent of the damage can range from minor to severe, and may be accompanied by pain, confusion, and seizures. A doctor should be able to help determine if a patient is suffering from a spinal stroke and to determine the cause. Further, the symptoms of spinal stroke will depend on the level of the damage and the location of the stroke.
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Early diagnosis of a spinal stroke is crucial to preventing permanent damage. Delay in diagnosis of this condition may constitute medical malpractice and cause the patient to suffer a avoidable injury. Doctors are held to a standard of care for their patients, based on a reasonable medical practice. If the doctor fails to meet this standard, the patient may be able to claim damages for the delayed diagnosis. This may result in severe disability and even death.
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Despite the bleak outlook for the recovery of a dog after a spinal stroke, the majority will make a full recovery and return to a normal life. However, even if your dog experiences a severe spinal stroke, he or she will still show signs of subtle weakness in a limb. In most cases, however, a spinal stroke is short-lived and there are no definite treatments. A positive outcome can be achieved with the help of a veterinarian and a rehabilitation specialist.
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Aortic dissection is another cause of a stroke and can lead to transient or permanent neurological problems. When the aortic dissection extends into the spinal cord, a condition known as spinal cord ischemia occurs. When this condition is detected early, symptoms of a posterior spinal artery infarction are often detected through unusual sensory disturbances. This condition can be hard to diagnose, but early recognition of this condition is critical for the patient's recovery.
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The authors of a recent review report on the management of spinal ischaemic stroke in adults. The authors analyzed the underlying causes of the disease and their clinical implications. They also identified cardiovascular risk factors that can lead to stroke. A study published in the journal Surg Radiol Anat reviewed the results of more than 400 patients who were affected by spinal ischaemic stroke. The authors concluded that there was no evidence to support the use of an experimental procedure in this patient group.
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Because the spinal cord is dependent on blood, a lack of oxygen and nutrients will damage its function. If this blood supply is cut off, it can obstruct communication between the spinal cord and other parts of the body. In severe cases, spinal strokes can be life-threatening and cause paralysis. Most people associate stroke with the brain, but a spinal stroke can also occur near the base of the neck. There are many causes of spinal stroke, so early diagnosis is essential.
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In a majority of cases, a blood clot causes a spinal stroke, but a small number of bleeds can also lead to a spinal stroke. These are different from brain strokes, which cut off blood supply to the brain. Because of this, spinal stroke symptoms vary, depending on where the stroke occurs in the spinal cord and how much damage has been done. While most people recover from a stroke, others are left with permanent damage or even death.
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Despite her injury, Julie has kept a positive attitude, and she continues to maintain a positive attitude. Despite the challenges associated with spinal cord injury, Julie works as a life and business coach to help entrepreneurs cope with the uncertainty of the future. She also teaches writing workshops. The experience has made her a strong advocate for disabled people. If you've experienced a spinal stroke, or know someone who has, you should read her personal story.