How to Treat a Concussion in School - Oren Zarif - Concussion
A concussion is a potentially devastating injury. It affects the student in a variety of ways - physically, mentally, emotionally, and even their ability to sleep. For this reason, if you think that you or a friend has suffered a concussion, it is important to get medical attention as soon as possible. Listed below are some signs that you may have suffered a concussion.
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A blow to the head may result in microscopic brain damage that is not visible on a CT scan. A severe brain injury can lead to brain swelling, causing it to squeeze blood vessels and compress the brain. Inadequate blood flow to the brain can lead to stroke. A concussion can also cause a patient's behavior to change significantly. Regardless of the severity, the patient should see a physician immediately after an accident.
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A doctor will perform a neurological exam to confirm a diagnosis of concussion. During the examination, the health care provider will check your balance and coordination, as well as your reflexes. They will also test your memory and thinking abilities. A scan of the brain may also be performed to check for bleeding and inflammation in the brain. A CAT scan is another way to confirm a diagnosis of concussion. In some cases, a physician may perform a MRI or CT scan to assess the severity of the condition.
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Once symptoms are gone, it is important to return to school if possible. If symptoms continue, talk with your health care provider and school officials to create a plan for returning to classes. The recovery plan will depend on the severity of the concussion. Some students need to miss a few days of school while their symptoms subside. If this is the case, gradually add mental activities at home, such as reading or writing in a journal. Once symptoms are gone, it may be safe to return to sports or other activities that require head contact.
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The recovery from a concussion will vary, but most people recover in a few days. A good rule of thumb is to take it easy and avoid doing physical activities for a few days. Remember to take regular breaks when you feel dizzy or faint. Don't drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs until your symptoms subside. It is best to avoid heavy lifting, jogging, or ice skating until your symptoms have cleared up.
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A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that occurs when the head is hit hard. While concussion is most common after a violent blow, a blow to the head can cause it as well. If you or a loved one sustains a concussion, it is important to monitor their condition closely to avoid long-term damage. Even if your symptoms are mild, the condition may cause permanent damage to the brain. As long as you understand the signs, you can get medical attention as soon as possible.
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Once symptoms have decreased, you can return to competitive activity. Returning to competition too soon after a concussion increases the likelihood of a second one. Known as second impact syndrome, this condition can cause longer-lasting problems and even lead to a second concussion. Further, the athlete may experience a higher risk of a second concussion. Also, returning to an activity too soon can lead to post-concussion syndrome, which is a condition where a concussion has happened before the brain has fully recovered.
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Although recovery from a concussion varies among individuals, most patients recover within days. Depending on the severity of the concussion, the symptoms can be present immediately after an impact or may appear hours or even days later. If you experience any symptoms after a concussion, it is important to see a doctor or healthcare professional who specializes in concussion recovery. Your health is too important to risk repeating a concussion.
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After a concussion, you should encourage your student to report changes or problems in their symptoms. Continuous communication with students will help you provide the necessary care and accommodations. The accommodations you offer to your student will vary according to the type of concussion they have. Be prepared to offer sympathy and understanding, as well as specific accommodations, if necessary. Always prioritize the accommodations that are necessary for their particular symptoms. This will allow you to better assist your student in completing the course and avoiding further concussions.