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How to Treat a Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

While you may be able to treat mild to moderate TBI at home, more severe injuries may require hospitalization and more intensive care. While mild TBI symptoms may resolve quickly on their own, severe brain injuries often require hospitalization and intensive care. The severity and type of injury will determine the exact treatment plan. Generally, patients with bruising or mild brain injuries may be given over-the-counter pain relievers or slowly return to their daily activities.

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Though brain cells do not regenerate after an injury, other areas in the brain can compensate for damaged tissue and the brain can learn to reroute information and function around the injured areas. While it is difficult to predict recovery at the time of the accident, it is important to note that even if the injury is mild, patients may still have difficulty following simple commands. The recovery period may take weeks, months, or even years, depending on the severity of the injury.

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One type of brain injury is a hemorrhage. The blood that flows into the space surrounding the brain, called the subarachnoid space, is often diffuse, and appears as thin streaks of blood on CT scans. While most cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with head trauma are minor, more severe cases can lead to hydrocephalus. In addition, diffuse injuries are not visible on CT scans and are often associated with a mass lesion.

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If the injury is severe, a person will experience a wide range of symptoms, including memory loss, emotional problems, and fatigue. Some individuals may even experience post-traumatic amnesia, which is a condition where the brain has no memory of the injury. Generally, recovery from such a brain injury takes weeks to months. If the patient is able to undergo rehabilitation, he or she may be able to return to normal life after a few months.

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A concussion may also result in a skull fracture. Broken bones may cut through the skull, causing a bruise-like appearance. A depressed skull fracture, on the other hand, may result in pieces of bone pressing on the brain. Surgical removal may be necessary if the contusion is severe enough to cause any significant damage. A hematoma, or blood clot, can also form within brain tissue. A hematoma can be removed surgically, but there is no guarantee that it will disappear completely.

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Other common causes of brain injuries include vehicle crashes, violent attacks, and falls. These incidents can result in a variety of injuries, including the tearing of blood vessels and tissues in the brain. Further, these injuries can lead to further injuries due to alterations in cerebral blood flow and the presence of a foreign body. In many cases, MRIs can also be used to determine the cause of the injury. If these types of injuries are caused by an accident, it is imperative to seek emergency medical attention immediately.

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Rehabilitation is another common treatment for people with moderate-severe TBI. The type of rehab required depends on the type of injury and which part of the brain was affected. Physical or speech therapy may be required if the injury affected the part of the brain responsible for speech and movement. The treatment may be administered in the hospital, a skilled nursing facility, or an outpatient clinic. Therapy will involve many specialists and the goal of these sessions is to help patients return to their pre-injury levels and improve their quality of life.

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Patients with moderate-severe brain injuries usually spend the first week in the hospital in a coma. This is due to an elevated risk of seizures. However, the coma will not be prolonged for every patient. Patients with severe injuries will likely require surgery in order to repair skull fractures, remove blood clots, or relieve high intracranial pressure. Although surgery may be necessary, it should not be attempted too early.

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CT scans are another important tool for diagnosing brain injuries. CT scans use radiofrequency waves and a magnetic field to show the soft tissues of the brain. Sometimes, a dye will be injected into the patient's bloodstream for better visualization. Other tests, including Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), can also be used to identify subtle changes in the brain. Once these tests have been performed, the results will give the doctor an overall prognosis for the injury.

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Doctors use a 15-point scale to determine the severity of a head injury. A GCS score of 13-15 on admission indicates a mild head injury. In most cases, the patient's symptoms improve gradually. Patients with moderate head injuries, on the other hand, do not fare as well. A GCS score of thirteen or greater indicates moderate brain damage. Patients with severe head injuries often have a lower GCS score than mild head injuries.

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