How to Treat a Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury
There are several ways to treat a brain injury. You can undergo brain imaging to determine the severity of the injury. This test may reveal signs of swelling or bleeding. The doctor will also note the type of brain injury in your permanent medical record. Your physician will also make recommendations regarding how to care for yourself after a brain injury. Some of these recommendations include using a helmet and wearing a seatbelt in the car. A helmet is also important if you participate in sports, as it will help you to maintain your balance.
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The brain is a soft tissue that weighs three to four pounds. It is protected by three layers of membrane. These membranes can be stretched, compressed, or ripped, causing further damage. It can also be damaged if you experience sudden movement or acceleration. To determine whether you've suffered a brain injury, an MRI is performed. If you suspect brain damage, you must seek medical attention immediately. During a CT scan, your doctor may detect a blood clot or a fracture in the brain.
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If the patient suffers a mild head injury, he or she will most likely show some signs of injury, such as difficulty following simple commands. The signs and symptoms of a mild head injury may be non-existent, or you may notice agitation and inappropriate behaviors. The good news is that the majority of patients will recover. In fact, it can take weeks, months, or even years before patients fully recover from their injuries. If the brain injury is severe enough, a coma may result.
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Once the brain injury is diagnosed, the next step is to treat the patient. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to stabilize the brain and blood pressure, stop bleeding, remove clots, or relieve high intracranial pressure. In some cases, a patient may require a full surgical procedure, which can be life-saving. The surgery may be immediate, but clots can form weeks after the injury. In addition to the standard treatment options, the patient may need to undergo tests to determine the severity of his or her brain injury.
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Post-concussion syndrome is another common complication of a head injury. It may cause symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, and confusion. Those who undergo this type of treatment should gradually return to their normal activities. If your symptoms are not improving within a week or two, contact a health care provider. The medical team will assess you and administer pain-relief medications as needed. During this time, you may be required to undergo rehabilitation.
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Once a patient has undergone a treatment for a brain injury, he or she will undergo a GCS (Greyfield Coma Scale) to determine the extent of the damage to the brain. The test will determine how long the patient has been in a confused state, also known as post-traumatic amnesia. If this is prolonged, it indicates that the brain is more severely damaged. The duration of the confusion also indicates the severity of the injury.
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Another type of brain injury is diffuse axonal injury. This type of brain injury is similar to a concussion, but occurs when the brain moves violently. These movements cause tears in the connections between the brain's nerve cells. Even small tears can be devastating, while large tears can be fatal. The severity of the symptoms depends on the extent of the tears, the area of the brain affected, and the presence of other injuries in the body.
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Some people have more than one type of brain injury, making it difficult to define which type of injury has happened to them. There are some injuries that may be more severe than others, so it is important to consult a doctor if you suspect that you have suffered from one. For example, you may have suffered a head injury from falling while walking. For other people, they may have suffered from a fall in the street or a violent assault.
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Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage is another type of brain injury. In this case, blood is bleeding into the space surrounding the brain. Normally, cerebrospinal fluid fills this space, and it acts as a cushion around the brain. When small arteries tear during the initial injury, blood spills into this space, which can affect the brain. The blood spreads throughout the brain's surface and can cause widespread damage.