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How to Treat a Brain Bleed - Oren Zarif - Brain Bleed

A Brain Bleed is a potentially life-threatening medical condition. Although it heals itself after the initial hemorrhage, ongoing complications from the bleed can be devastating. Patients can experience speech and cognitive changes and paralysis. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for brain bleeding. Learn more about the different types of treatments and find out if you need to seek emergency medical care. Depending on the severity of the bleeding, surgery may be necessary.

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Treatment for brain bleeds depends on the location and size of the hemorrhage. Surgery and medication are usually used to reduce swelling and control seizures. Recovery from a brain bleed is different for each patient. A physician can tell you if you have bleeding in the brain and what treatment is right for you. A thorough examination of the brain and the area affected will determine whether the bleed has spread to any other areas. In some cases, bleeding may require surgery.

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A CT scan is one way to diagnose a brain bleed. A CT scan creates a 3D picture of the brain and arteries. A spinal tap, an MRI or conventional angiography may also be used to identify the cause of a brain bleed. The sooner you seek medical care, the better your treatment options will be. But if you are unsure of your symptoms, it's best to consult a doctor.

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Although some people have a fatal brain bleed, others do not. Even if a brain bleed has caused immediate brain trauma, a patient may still experience symptoms. The symptoms may vary depending on where the bleeding has occurred and the amount of tissue that has been damaged. Some people may experience symptoms such as drowsiness or stroke while others may experience only mild or non-threatening bleeding. In some cases, fluid may accumulate on the brain, which causes headaches, blurred vision, and even seizures. If you're concerned about a brain bleed, your physician can prescribe medication or surgery to reduce the risk of a stroke.

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In most cases, a ruptured aneurysm in the arteries around the brain causes a brain bleed. This bleed may also be the result of high blood pressure or trauma. While the main symptoms of a brain bleed are intense, other symptoms can overshadow the headache. It is important to see a physician as soon as possible to decrease the risk of death and other complications. In addition to pain, a blood clot in the brain can result in seizures or even death.

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A neonate with a brain bleed should be given immediate medical attention. The most common symptoms include swelling of the head, but some may be due to other causes, including vaginal delivery and pressure on the skull during delivery. A child with a brain bleed may also experience poor feeding, bluish skin around the mouth, and a high-pitched wail. When the baby's blood pressure becomes high enough, it may require surgery.

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Neurosurgeons may perform an emergency procedure to remove the blood and relieve pressure in the brain. This procedure may require the use of a catheter. The catheter guides small metal coils into the aneurysm. The coils prevent the blood from entering the artery and can be repeated several times throughout a person's life. Other surgical procedures may be needed to treat a brain bleed, including clipping the aneurysm.

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There are three types of brain bleed. Intracerebral hemorrhage occurs when blood leaks into the brain between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane. Epidural hematoma occurs when blood leaks into the space between the skull bone and the dura mater. In addition, subdural hemorrhage and epidural hematomas are rare.

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If a brain artery ruptures, it can cause bleeding throughout the surrounding cranial tissues. About 13% of all strokes are caused by a brain bleed. The causes of brain bleeding can include trauma, stroke, or abnormal blood vessel. Despite its rarity, a brain bleed should not be ignored. A doctor should be consulted immediately. This will allow for proper diagnosis and treatment. The right treatment will help you recover as soon as possible.

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An X-ray may be used to diagnose the cause of a brain bleed. A CT scan is a noninvasive X-ray and can reveal if there is a ruptured blood vessel within the brain. If this happens, a hematoma or blood clot can form and increase pressure on the brain. The build-up of blood may cause unconsciousness or even death. High blood pressure, trauma, or infections can all trigger an intracerebral hemorrhage.

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