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How to Treat a Brain Bleed - Oren Zarif - Brain Bleed

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

While treatment for a Brain Bleed varies based on the specific symptoms experienced, it is generally a relatively straightforward procedure. Depending on the size of the hemorrhage, it may be necessary to perform urgent surgery to drain the blood and remove any brain tumor or swelling. Rehabilitation may be required to retrain the patient to perform basic functions. Although the recovery process can be lengthy, with prompt treatment and rehabilitation, a person suffering from a Brain Bleed can experience a substantial recovery.

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While some forms of Brain Bleed can cause death, they are very rare and the treatment will depend on the type of bleeding and where it is located. Depending on the size of the bleed, location, and swelling, a person can recover fully or develop several complications. However, the symptoms and treatments are often the same as for a stroke. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor for a diagnosis and to receive appropriate care.

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Once a brain hemorrhage has been detected, a patient will be admitted to the hospital. During their stay, they will receive inpatient treatment and long-term rehabilitation. This may include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and advice on ways to reduce the risk of future hemorrhages. During the first few weeks following the rupture, people with a Brain Bleed may experience pain, confusion, or seizures.

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A bleed in the brain can be caused by a number of causes. A weakened blood vessel wall, called an aneurysm, can cause a bleed. This can occur during physical activity or during strong emotional states. If a brain bleed is detected within the head, symptoms will differ based on the location. For instance, the symptoms associated with a stroke are typically more severe than if they occur inside the skull.

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Other risks of Brain Bleed include heavy alcohol consumption, smoking, and cocaine use. It can also result from conditions associated with pregnancy or childbirth. Abnormal collagen formation in blood vessel walls can also result in a rupture of the blood vessel wall. The symptoms of an intracranial hemorrhage may include loss of vision, stiff neck, sudden weakness, or coma. If any of these factors are present, it's time to seek medical attention immediately.

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CT scan is a noninvasive X-ray that can help diagnose and treat Brain Bleed. Angiogram is an invasive procedure that involves inserting a catheter into an artery to the brain. The dye used is called contrast and is injected into the blood stream to better visualize the blood vessels in the brain. The X-rays obtained after the angiogram are helpful in determining the cause of the bleeding.

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Most brain bleeds occur during preterm birth and during delivery. Because of these risks, doctors recommend preventing preterm birth and preventing complications during delivery. Women with smaller builds or larger babies are more likely to suffer from a brain bleed than those who have a vaginal delivery. However, if symptoms persist for more than a few hours, it may be a sign of a serious brain bleed. If you suspect that your baby is suffering from a brain bleed, contact your pediatrician immediately.

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A subarachnoid hemorrhage is a serious condition that can result in severe headaches, death, or a stroke. If your blood vessels in the brain have been ruptured, they can begin to bleed and put pressure on your entire brain. The clotted blood can also cause your arteries to spasm and damage brain tissue. Your doctor will then perform emergency surgery to repair the damage. There are many treatments available for this condition, including surgery and medication.

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High blood pressure is the most common cause of brain hemorrhage. High blood pressure weakens the walls of the blood vessels and causes them to rupture, collecting blood in the brain and triggering symptoms of stroke. Another common cause of a brain hemorrhage is aneurysm, a weak spot in an artery wall that may balloon and break open. Arteriovenous malformations, a group of abnormal connections between veins and arteries, are also risk factors for developing a brain hemorrhage. People with cancer may experience a brain hemorrhage in areas where the cancer has spread.

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Subarachnoid hemorrhage is the most serious type of bleeding in the brain and should be treated as quickly as possible. Without immediate treatment, the effects can be irreversible and the patient could die. The symptoms of a subarachnoid hemorrhage are the same as those of a brain hemorrhage, including a sudden, severe headache, and loss of consciousness for a short time.

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