How to Tell If You're Having an Ischemic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Ischemic Stroke
A stroke is a medical condition in which a blood clot blocks a cerebral artery. These strokes can be classified as focal or global. The symptoms of focal ischemia vary, as do the treatments and prognosis. However, the symptoms of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) can be a warning sign of a full-blown ischemic stroke. Here are some ways to tell if you're experiencing a transient ischemic attack.
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Medications used to treat ischemic stroke include tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), which dissolves blood clots. The treatment must begin within four hours of onset of stroke symptoms. Early tPA administration may improve the patient's chances of a positive outcome. Another treatment is mechanical thrombectomy, which involves the removal of the clot with a catheter. Both of these procedures should be done within 6 hours of stroke symptoms.
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After the patient's symptoms have subsided, doctors will perform a physical exam to check their mental alertness, balance, coordination, and blood pressure. They'll also look for signs of carotid artery disease. A stethoscope may detect bruit, a sound indicative of decreased blood flow. A CT scan, also known as a computed tomography (CT), may be needed. These tests are used to find out whether a patient is having a heart problem or has other problems.
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The new definition of stroke will affect clinical practice, research, and public health. The definition is based on the new tissue definition for TIA and harmonizes with the current MI definition. Further AHA statements are needed to ensure consistency in classification and severity of stroke subtypes. In the meantime, there are a variety of ways to treat ischemic strokes. You should know what you're dealing with before you make a decision.
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Ischemic stroke may be a sign of high blood pressure or atherosclerosis. The treatment for these underlying conditions may include stents (tubes that open narrowed arteries) and statins (a type of medicine that lowers blood pressure). A stroke survivor may also need rehabilitation. This can include occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy to help him regain motor skills and coordination. In many cases, it's important to get treatment as soon as possible after a stroke to prevent complications.
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An ischemic stroke can occur suddenly, with no warning. It can also occur when there's no blood flow to the brain. The symptoms can go away and return within a short time. In such cases, you should call 911 immediately for treatment. It's important to remember that ischemic stroke is often accompanied by hemorrhagic stroke or transient ischemic attack. This condition occurs when a blood clot, or an obstruction in an artery, obstructs blood flow to a portion of the brain.
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There are many different types of stroke, including silent infarctions. Some of these infarcts may not be diagnosed until after they're already too advanced. The term "silent" is a newer addition to the stroke lexicon, but it's still a diagnosis in and of itself. In some cases, a silent infarct may be a warning sign of an ischemic stroke.
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The symptoms of arterial ischemic stroke vary according to the location and severity of the clot in the brain. While newborns rarely experience symptoms of an ischemic stroke, some may experience abnormal irritability or seizures. You should visit a doctor if you suspect your child may be suffering from these symptoms. Some of the causes of these types of stroke include heart disease, a previous stroke, and an increased risk of a vascular condition called atrial fibrillation.
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Large vessel occlusion is the most dangerous and debilitating type of ischemic stroke. It occurs when a clot blocks a major artery, preventing blood from reaching a significant portion of the brain. Your doctor will discuss treatment options with you. If your clot obstructs a major artery, your stroke is likely to be a large vessel occlusion. If you suspect that you have a large artery occlusion, consult your doctor immediately to ensure you're not suffering from a stroke.
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Transient ischemic attacks are also a common type of ischemic stroke. The symptoms of this type of stroke are not long-lasting and typically resolve on their own. A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is often an early warning sign of a more serious ischemic stroke. The only way to survive an ischemic stroke is to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. You may need to have surgery or a series of surgeries.