How to Spot Silent Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Silent Stroke Symptoms
If a person has silent stroke symptoms, it's imperative that they get checked out by a medical professional. While most silent strokes will only affect a small section of the brain, the damage that it causes is cumulative. After several silent strokes, a person will experience clinical manifestations of cumulative injury. The symptoms may be subtle and may be mistaken for a different ailment. For instance, someone suffering from a silent stroke may experience difficulty with memory and concentration.
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While silent stroke symptoms often go unnoticed, if ignored, they can result in dementia and cognitive impairment. A doctor can detect these symptoms by examining the person's brain with a brain CT scan. These tests can reveal white spots, where brain cells have stopped functioning. If a person has any of these symptoms, their doctor can prescribe the right medications for them to treat the underlying cause of their silent stroke. But sometimes, silent stroke symptoms may only be temporary.
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A person may also be unable to speak or understand others. Those suffering from a stroke should call emergency services immediately if they notice any of these symptoms. Even if the symptoms are mild, they should be treated right away. Earlier treatment of a stroke can minimize the long-term consequences. This is why it's so important to know the symptoms of stroke and how to spot them. In addition to getting immediate medical help, early recognition of these symptoms will help patients recover faster.
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Fortunately, silent strokes are preventable. Although the risk of a silent stroke is lower than a classic stroke, it's still a risk. Several factors such as high blood pressure, obesity, and high cholesterol may increase a person's risk. Treatment can include medications, exercise, and managing salt in the diet. A healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet can reduce a person's risk of silent strokes.
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The only way to detect silent stroke is through a brain imaging study. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can detect damage in the parts of the brain affected by silent stroke. Even though there are no obvious symptoms, the patient may suffer from severe fatigue and headaches. A medical professional will be able to trace these symptoms back to white spots in brain scans. And since silent strokes do not have obvious symptoms, they are hard to recognize.
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High blood pressure can be one of the most significant risk factors for silent strokes. Keeping blood pressure within normal range is crucial for avoiding this disease. Regular exercise can reduce silent stroke risks by 40 percent. And, moderate aerobic exercise can help reduce blood pressure. Aerobic exercise helps reduce the risk of stroke by lowering blood pressure and reducing the impact of strokes on the body. Physical activity also improves the quality of rehabilitation after a stroke.
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While stroke symptoms are relatively common for many people, some people are unaware of the presence of these signs. In addition to experiencing a drooping face, trouble with balance, and frequent falls, silent strokes can also affect people's mood and ability to think. These symptoms are more subtle than ischemic stroke symptoms, so it is important to watch for them. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical care immediately.
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Despite its obvious signs, aging can increase the risk of stroke. To reduce your stroke risk, make sure that you are getting adequate physical activity. However, don't make exercising seem like a chore. Discuss this with your medical provider. A lack of physical activity can lead to a stroke. If it happens, you can treat it by adjusting your lifestyle. You'll feel better, look younger, and live longer. Don't ignore the symptoms of silent stroke - talk to a medical professional today!
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Typical silent stroke symptoms aren't apparent, but a thorough medical history should help determine if you're at risk. A clumsy or imbalanced limb is also a symptom. A brain scan should indicate a potential stroke, but if nothing else, it's still important to monitor for other risk factors. In addition to high blood pressure, smoking, and blood clots, there are several other risk factors.
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Even though silent stroke symptoms can be subtle, it is still a serious condition. If you ignore them, you may be putting yourself at risk of permanent damage to your brain. This is a stroke that will affect you for the rest of your life. Your body may compensate for the damaged areas, but the brain may have limited capacity to recover. When a silent stroke occurs frequently, you can lose the ability to communicate and perform simple tasks.