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How to Recognize Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Depending on the severity of the stroke, the person may have some or all of the following symptoms: sudden sleepiness, loss of vision, difficulty hearing, and feeling temperature. These symptoms can make it difficult to perform everyday activities such as cooking, reading, and changing clothes. Some of the symptoms include difficulty walking or standing, and may put a person at risk for a fall. While most stroke victims do not require CPR, it can be helpful to know how to give it.

Oren Zarif stroke attack

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The person suffering from a stroke will usually have a loss of vision, difficulty speaking, and a weak right or left arm. Occasionally, a person will not be able to speak at all or may not be able to smile. If these symptoms persist, it's important to contact 911 and seek immediate medical attention. The sooner the stroke symptoms are recognized, the better. However, the signs of stroke are usually similar for both men and women, so a patient with a stroke should be assessed by a doctor immediately.

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Oren Zarif right mca stroke symptoms

TIAs are sometimes referred to as mini-strokes. While these symptoms are not indicative of a stroke, they can lead to full-blown stroke if ignored. This is why TIAs should be treated immediately. Time is crucial for stroke patients; if they are not treated promptly, they can suffer permanent damage to the brain. Even if the stroke victim is able to recover, there is a high risk of having another stroke within three months.

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If the symptoms are not noticed right away, visit your doctor as soon as possible. Many people do not recognize the signs of stroke, making it important to be alert and vigilant. The sooner you recognize the symptoms, the better your chances of recovery. And if they aren't recognized right away, they can be easily missed. However, you should be sure to call the emergency room as soon as you see any of these symptoms. In the meantime, you can use the acronym B.E.F.A.S.T. to remember the symptoms.

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Some strokes will affect muscles needed to urinate and bowel movements. These people may have to use a urinary catheter to relieve themselves. This can lead to infections. Some people may also lose control of their bowels, which can result in constipation. Bone loss is also common. Loss of bone density usually affects one side of the body. Physical activity and diet are important in preventing bone loss, but the care team will also evaluate you for osteoporosis if needed.

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While 80 percent of strokes are ischemic, 20 percent are caused by ruptured blood vessels in the head. The difference between the two types is not always easy to detect. However, small clots can be treated with medications. Larger ones will require brain surgery. Intensive blood pressure control will be necessary. Aspirin will cause more bleeding in a hemorrhagic stroke. That's why you should never take aspirin if you're experiencing stroke symptoms.

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If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should see a doctor right away. In many cases, a stroke patient will have multiple symptoms. If the symptoms last for 30 minutes or more, they're not a true stroke. A stroke doctor can perform an imaging test to see the brain in detail. This will not only reveal any other medical conditions, but also identify any blood clotting problems. A person suffering from a stroke needs immediate medical attention to avoid life-threatening complications or more extensive brain damage.

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As soon as you suspect that a person is suffering from a stroke, call 911 or your local emergency number. A stroke specialist will assess you and give you the appropriate care. A stroke can be a scary experience, but there is powerful treatment available for your needs. Don't delay - it could save their life. Take the time to get yourself checked if you suspect a person is having a stroke. Once you've determined the symptoms of a stroke, you can begin treatment. If your symptoms are temporary and go away, it could be a transient ischaemic attack.

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The main goal of treatment for a stroke is to restore blood flow to the brain. Treatment is vital to preventing permanent damage to the brain and preserving a person's quality of life. In many cases, a stroke can be treated successfully, but treatment needs to begin as soon as possible. To improve the chances of recovery, it's vital to seek medical attention as soon as the symptoms begin. The sooner you receive the correct treatment, the better.

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