How to Prevent a Massive Stroke - Oren Zarif - Massive Stroke
A massive stroke is a major medical emergency. It can have a wide range of consequences, including long-term paralysis, coma, or death. A massive stroke can affect any area of the brain, from the face to the throat, and can have many different consequences. According to the American Heart Association, 87 percent of all strokes are ischemic - caused by blood clots. If you suspect that you or someone you know may be suffering from a massive stroke, call 911 immediately. Emergency medical services will help get the person to the hospital as soon as possible.
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While a massive stroke can affect many major bodily functions, it can also have a significant impact on the brain's ability to communicate. In these cases, therapy can help patients regain their abilities and move forward. Speech therapy may be recommended for some patients to help them communicate and recover swallowing. Although there are no guarantees when it comes to recovery after a massive stroke, it is possible for patients to regain speech and swallowing abilities. In addition to speech therapy, other forms of therapy are available to help patients with speech and swallowing difficulties.
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Although strokes in children are difficult to diagnose, the signs are the same regardless of age. Symptoms include muscle weakness and numbness. Small strokes are not as devastating and can last a few minutes, but they are still serious and can have long-term effects. In addition to regaining function, these patients can also recover from any prior heart conditions. Although a massive stroke can be devastating, there are ways to prevent it.
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While the symptoms of a stroke aren't painful, they should never be ignored. If you see them, call 911 or your local emergency number to summon an ambulance. If left untreated, a massive stroke can lead to permanent brain damage and disability. During the recovery process, a patient will likely need multiple surgeries and will require long-term rehabilitation. A medical professional will determine the severity of the stroke and its complications. It is important to seek immediate medical attention after a massive stroke.
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The best treatment for a massive stroke depends on the type of clot. If the clot is ischemic, emergency care involves dissolving the clot. In severe cases, doctors will likely use blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, to reduce the risk of a re-clot. However, blood-thinning medications can worsen bleeding and may lead to death. Therefore, it is imperative to obtain the proper diagnosis and treatment at the earliest opportunity.
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When a person suffers a massive stroke, their brain cannot repair itself. A massive stroke can cause damage to areas of the brain that are responsible for sensory functions. As a result, the victim may experience numbness, tingling sensations, or difficulty feeling hot or cold. Damaged parts of the brain responsible for processing vision can lead to partial or complete blindness. Another common condition caused by a massive stroke is spasticity, a condition in which muscles become rigid. When severe, the person may develop contractures or other disabilities.
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When a person suffers a stroke, the blood supply to the affected area of the brain is interrupted. Without oxygen and nutrients, brain cells begin to die. This condition can have devastating effects on the patient, including permanent disability or death. Getting treatment immediately after a massive stroke can save your life. The longer the patient remains without proper treatment, the worse their brain will become. And because the brain needs oxygen to function properly, it is critical that the patient receives emergency medical attention.
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The most common cause of a massive stroke is the blockage of an artery that supplies the brain. Once the artery is blocked, the damaged area of the brain begins to swell and push against the hard interior of the skull. This further reduces blood flow to the area. So, when a stroke victim is experiencing severe brain damage, they need urgent medical attention. It is crucial to find a medical facility that specializes in treating massive strokes.
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If a patient has a severe stroke and cannot be stabilized through medication or a physical therapy, doctors may opt to perform a surgical procedure to repair the damage. The procedure involves cutting a piece of the skull to allow the brain to swell and heal. The resulting part of the skull is then placed back in place a few months later. While the risks are obvious, undergoing this procedure can help patients live longer and better lives.