How to Get Help With Stroke Recovery - Oren Zarif - Stroke Recovery
After a stroke, recovery from a stroke will likely be difficult, but it is not impossible. There are many ways to get help with stroke recovery, from getting a physiotherapist to coping with the emotional impact. A primary care doctor specializes in preventive health and chronic disease management and can treat hundreds of medical conditions. They can also monitor a patient's risk factors for stroke. If you have experienced a stroke, a psychologist can help you cope with the emotional side of recovery.
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A healthcare team will work to identify the type of stroke and prevent further damage to the brain. They will stabilize the patient's condition by monitoring blood pressure, breathing, heart function, and other symptoms. A surgeon may be necessary to repair the affected part of the brain or repair the damage that has been done. Often, a stroke recovery team will also prescribe blood thinners or anti-platelet drugs. Depending on the type of stroke, you may need a series of appointments with different specialists, including a neurosurgeon.
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Getting back on your feet after a stroke is the key to successful recovery. Using self-directed activities and therapy to exercise the brain helps it repair itself. Most stroke recovery occurs within the first three to six months of the stroke, with the best gains occurring in these first few months. However, aphasia survivors may take as long as two years to relearn how to speak. In any case, ongoing rehabilitation is crucial to achieving a full recovery.
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The timeframe for stroke recovery depends on the type of stroke and the area of the brain affected. For example, a left hemisphere stroke survivor may struggle with word retrieval and no speech. Different impairments may require different lengths of time to recover, so it's important to understand the patterns. The goal is to return to normal life as soon as possible. Your doctor will give you the best rehabilitation options for your needs, as well as any secondary effects.
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Physical therapy can help stroke survivors regain their strength and balance, as well as learn new ways to communicate. Some stroke survivors will need to learn to walk with one hand or use an assistive device to help them communicate. Because their motor skills may be affected, you may need to take extra steps to ensure your independence, including modifying your home for safety. Depending on your level of alertness, you may even be able to return to work after a stroke.
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The fourth stage of stroke recovery will focus on strengthening muscles and reducing spasticity. Spasticity occurs when the brain and muscles cannot communicate with each other. Spasticity is a common symptom of post-stroke, but it is temporary and may disappear as you move through the Brunnstrom stages of stroke recovery. Muscle twitches may be a sign of other post-stroke complications. Your physician will monitor these symptoms closely to help you improve your quality of life.
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During the rehabilitation phase, you and your loved one must be sensitive to their emotions and try to stay calm even if they act out of character. A stroke is a traumatic event and can cause major changes in a person's life. You need to be sensitive and encourage your loved one to express his or her feelings. The process can be long, so make sure you support them through this difficult time. There are also a number of options for helping your loved one with stroke recovery.
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While the first few days are crucial for the recovery process, the brain is often a major challenge. When a stroke occurs, the blood flow to the brain may be interrupted, and the cells begin to die. The severity and duration of a stroke can vary, depending on its severity and the location in the brain. A physician can help make sure that the patient recovers as quickly as possible. Often, stroke victims experience weakness in one side of the body, difficulty in thinking and moving, and other symptoms.
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After a stroke, patients may require assistance with daily activities and home safety. If a person has trouble communicating, a speech therapist can help. The patient may also experience memory loss, difficulty with thinking and memory, and difficulties with their muscles, joints, and nerves. This makes it difficult to perform tasks such as eating and going to the bathroom. It is important for a patient to receive comprehensive rehabilitation so that they can begin living their lives again and fully participate in their communities.