How to Cope With Brain Damage After a Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
The first few days after a traumatic brain injury require rest, but there are no set rules about when you can resume normal activities. Depending on the severity of the injury and the area of the brain that has been affected, you may need to take anti-seizure medications. In addition, you will be subject to infections, and your health care provider will perform infection tests to help make sure that you do not have a bacterial or fungal infection. Some patients may require surgery to repair fractured skulls, remove large blood clots, or relieve high intracranial pressure.
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Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage is a type of brain injury that involves bleeding into the space surrounding the head. Cerebrospinal fluid usually fills this space, which acts as a floating cushion to protect the brain. In this type of injury, however, small arteries tear, and blood leaks into the brain's surface. This spreads blood throughout the brain, causing widespread effects. Eventually, a person may suffer permanent damage.
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Traumatic brain injury occurs when a person is struck with something that causes the head or body to move. The force of the impact and the nature of the blow will determine the degree of brain damage. Among young children and older adults, falls are the most common causes of traumatic brain injury. Other causes include violent assaults, vehicle-related collisions, and sports. For infants, traumatic brain injury is known as shaken baby syndrome.
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In the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury, patients may experience emotional changes that can lead to serious problems. Some people experience milder changes while others are completely incapacitated. However, patients may also experience mood swings, and they may even exhibit behavior that is inappropriate. Psychological counseling is recommended for this condition. While anti-depressants can be helpful, they should be used cautiously in cases of traumatic brain injury. A brain injury can alter brain chemistry, so anti-depressants should not be taken in the case of an acute incident.
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Secondary brain injury is a common consequence of traumatic brain injury. This happens when the body responds to the primary injury by accumulating extra fluid and nutrients. However, this is dangerous because the rigid skull limits space in the brain. Brain swelling increases the pressure in the head, which in turn can cause injury to parts of the brain that were not directly injured. In many cases, swelling takes place gradually and may continue for up to five days. It is important to consult with a doctor right away.
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Diffuse axonal injury is caused by traumatic shearing forces that cause the tearing of nerve fibers in the white matter tracts of the brain. There are two types of primary brain injury - penetrating (open-head) and nonpenetrating (closed-head) - and they result in different symptoms. This table highlights the differences between the two types of brain injury and what symptoms to expect in each type.
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There are many causes of brain damage, including head trauma, inadequate oxygen supply, infection, and intracranial hemorrhage. Brain injury can be focal or widespread, and is associated with various types of functional and behavioral abnormality. A diagnosis of brain damage should be based on your overall health. For example, a person may suffer from a partial loss of consciousness, or a complete loss of cognitive function. Whatever the cause, there is no cure for brain injury, but treatment can help you recover from it.
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The most common type of brain injury is traumatic brain injury (TBI). These injuries are often caused by a sudden external force. These injuries can occur in the brain during a fall, while others result in a penetration of the skull and the brain. According to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of TBI, but accidents involving motor vehicles, violent assaults, and blunt force trauma can also cause brain damage. The severity of the injury can vary widely, ranging from a mild concussion to death.
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A CT scan is an important test for evaluating a traumatic brain injury. It provides a detailed image of the brain's internal structures and can reveal fractures or bleeding in the brain. It can also indicate the extent of a person's injury. It can be used to guide treatment. Once a person is stabilized, a CT scan is performed to evaluate the injury. A CT scan can be used to monitor the severity of brain damage, as well as to guide treatment.