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How to Cope With a Massive Stroke - Oren Zarif - Massive Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A massive stroke is an incredibly serious medical condition that affects a large area of the brain. It can seriously affect a patient's ability to function, and recovery from such an event is lengthy. If it is treated correctly, however, massive stroke survivors can often recover, even after hemorrhagic stroke. While there are some things you need to know, here are some tips for those who have experienced this traumatic event. A: Know the symptoms of a massive stroke and get treatment immediately.

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People who have a massive stroke are at risk of developing dangerous blood clots in deep veins in their legs. These clots can break free and travel to the lungs. To prevent this from happening, your stroke care team may use medicine or a device to put pressure on the calves. Survivors may have difficulty speaking and interacting with others. A neurologist can help you make sense of the symptoms and determine how best to treat them.

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Depending on the severity of the damage to the brain, a patient may experience a moderate level of disability. For example, they may not be able to understand speech or follow commands. Their ability to move or feel their limbs may also be affected. They may need help with personal care, such as preparing food, or brushing their teeth. A massive stroke may be fatal if the brain cannot recover. The symptoms of a massive stroke can vary, so it is important to understand what to expect.

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Physical therapy is important for a patient after a massive stroke. Physical therapy helps the patient retrain the damaged areas of the brain to control their muscles. Patients should continue these exercises even after discharge from the hospital. If paralysis is a result of the stroke, passive exercises are crucial. Passive exercises involving the movements of body parts without exerting any effort can stimulate the brain's neuroplasticity. So, no matter how severe your stroke is, you should never give up.

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If you suspect someone is suffering from a stroke, you should not attempt to drive to the hospital. Instead, call an ambulance right away so emergency medical personnel can begin life-saving treatment on the way to the hospital. If left untreated, a massive stroke can lead to permanent brain damage, permanent disability, and even death. While fewer Americans are dying from a stroke each year, the best way to avoid a massive stroke is to find a treatment that works.

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After a massive stroke, treatment options can include medications to help prevent blood clots and procedures to remove blood clots. Surgery may also be needed to relieve pressure on the brain. While surgery is the main treatment for a massive stroke, palliative care is also a viable option for many victims. A trained medical team can treat many of the symptoms of the stroke as well as help a person regain the skills they once had.

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Another major risk of a massive stroke is incontinence. This is often an independent symptom of the paralysis. The body's ability to control muscles may result in spasms, causing the person to lose urine. A massive stroke also affects speech and vision. Inability to speak properly may cause problems with swallowing and lead to trouble with speech. You may also lose appetite and vision as a result of a massive stroke.

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The most important risk factor for a massive stroke is persistent inflammation. The presence of this inflammatory response increases the risk of 1-month mortality and of in-hospital pulmonary infections. In addition, patients with higher baseline inflammation have lower recovery rates. These risks are even higher if the stroke victim has diabetes. However, if the symptoms of a massive stroke are present, they may be a sign of another major health issue, including depression or an ongoing psychiatric condition.

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The most common cause of a massive stroke is a clotted blood vessel in the brain. The clotted blood vessel sucks up blood, causing a large amount of pressure and swelling in the brain. Ultimately, the brain tissue suffers and is unable to function properly. While this clot may be temporary, a severe case may require emergency treatment. A massive stroke can even lead to death.

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While a massive stroke can be fatal, the symptoms of a mini-stroke are not. If you experience these symptoms within the first 24 hours, it is probably a transient ischemic attack. These symptoms are not fatal but may be a sign that a full stroke is imminent. So, if you feel any of these symptoms, get immediate treatment and call a doctor immediately. If symptoms persist for 24 hours or longer, you may have a transient ischemic attack.

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