Hemorrhagic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Hemorrhagic Stroke
A hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke that is caused by bleeding in the brain. The bleeding can occur when blood vessels break or tissue bleeds and the brain doesn't get the oxygen it needs to live. After an ischemic stroke, bleeds can occur in the brain because of the frailty of the brain tissue. The risk of developing a hemorrhagic stroke increases if the ischemic stroke is large. It can occur within a few days or weeks after the ischemic stroke.
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A hemorrhagic stroke often shares many of the same symptoms as other types of stroke, including vomiting, neck stiffness, increased blood pressure, and loss of consciousness. Hemorrhagic stroke is also associated with sensitivity to light and sound. The stroke survivors can face a variety of ongoing medical care. Although the likelihood of recurrence is very low, the chances of recovering fully from a hemorrhagic stroke are still high.
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A careful medical history is crucial to the diagnosis of a hemorrhagic stroke. The doctor may perform CT scans or angiography to identify the type of stroke. Blood-thinning drugs should not be given to patients with a hemorrhagic stroke because they increase bleeding. If a patient has high blood pressure, he may undergo surgery to repair the brain aneurysm.
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A hemorrhagic stroke is a type of ischemic stroke where bleeding occurs directly into the brain parenchyma. The causes of this type of stroke include high blood pressure, chronic hypertension, and heavy alcohol use. People who are aged or are suffering from bleeding disorders are at a higher risk of developing a hemorrhagic stroke. It can also be caused by a stroke-causing factor, such as a blood thinner.
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Signs of a hemorrhagic stroke include sudden and severe headache, drooping arm or face, vomiting, and difficulty speaking clearly. Patients may also experience a loss of vision, or have difficulty in understanding what they're saying. A FAST test may be helpful in detecting a stroke early. If these symptoms appear, a medical emergency is necessary. If the symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, a medical professional can intervene and help the patient.
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After a hemorrhagic stroke, the patient's recovery depends on the type and location of the hemorrhage. Some cases require surgery to control the bleeding and reduce pressure on the brain. A rehabilitation program may be necessary to restore function and prevent future strokes. Depending on the severity of the injury and the extent of the patient's recovery, he or she may need to undergo physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision, and speech and language therapies.
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A hemorrhagic stroke usually results from a clot in the brain that travels through the bloodstream. People with heart disease or a history of a stroke are more likely to suffer from this type of stroke. One of the most common types of hemorrhagic strokes is called an intracerebral hemorrhage. Another type is known as subarachnoid hemorrhage.
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Children generally recover more quickly from a hemorrhagic stroke than adults do. The rehabilitation team will work with the child and his or her family throughout the recovery process. It will also work with the child's school and family to help him or her get back to his or her normal lifestyle. It is important to note that the outlook for a full recovery depends on the severity of the stroke and how long it has occurred. Some people recover within weeks, while others may need months of treatment.
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Some people are at an increased risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage. High blood pressure, smoking, and cocaine use are all risk factors for this type of stroke. Some people also have a genetic predisposition to this disease. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is one of the most common types of stroke, accounting for up to one fifth of all cases. It tends to affect people in the middle age and older.