Hemorrhagic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Hemorrhagic Stroke
A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures, spilling blood into surrounding tissue. They account for 13% of stroke cases and 40% of stroke-related deaths. These strokes are incredibly dangerous, and survivors often face long-term disability. Factors that increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke include high blood pressure, aneurysms, trauma, and genetics.
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The signs and symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke vary depending on the part of the brain affected and the severity of the stroke. Some symptoms include a lack of consciousness, difficulty speaking or swallowing, a swollen clot in the brain, or weakness. Fortunately, most strokes can be treated successfully. But a patient may never fully recover, and treatment may need to continue for months or even years.
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Treatment for a hemorrhagic stroke includes anti-seizure medication. The aim of this treatment is to stop the bleeding and reduce the risk of rebleeding. Some doctors prescribe anti-seizure medications even if the patient does not experience seizures. The primary goal of treatment for a hemorrhagic stroke is to reduce pressure on the brain. If the brain swells or becomes swollen, a craniotomy may be required to remove pressure. Blood pressure medication is also recommended.
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Other symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke include vomiting, increased blood pressure, and neck stiffness. Subarachnoid hemorrhage can occur as a result of a ruptured aneurysm or from other types of bleeding. Both types of hemorrhagic stroke can be fatal if untreated. While the symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke are similar, patients may face a variety of additional complications.
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Imaging tests can help determine if you are suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke. Computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are commonly used to determine whether or not you have a hemorrhagic stroke. Electroencephalograms and lumbar puncture are also used to confirm the diagnosis. During the initial phase of a hemorrhagic stroke, a CT scan is often used to assess a patient's brain activity and blood clotting. Patients suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke need immediate emergency care. Treatment may prevent life-threatening complications or worsening neurological damage.