Head Trauma - Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment - Oren Zarif - Head Trauma
Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, continues to be a public health problem. Most patients suffer mild head trauma and the remainder fall into the moderate or severe categories. However, severe head trauma can cause blood vessels to rupture and cause life-threatening bleeding. Learn more about TBI, including symptoms, prevention, and treatment. Here are some tips:
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If you are unconscious or cannot remember the event that caused the head injury, seek medical attention right away. While you may not experience any symptoms right away, you should monitor yourself for a few days to determine whether there are any underlying problems. If these symptoms persist, call 911 or visit an emergency room. Your doctor will evaluate you for signs of trauma and neurological injury. They'll assess nerve function, muscle control, and eye movement, among other things.
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The severity of head trauma is affected by a number of factors, including age and health. A simple knock to the head can cause a concussion or a small bruise. In more serious cases, brain damage may result. A fractured skull or cut on the scalp may be a sign of severe head trauma. Regardless of the cause, seek medical care immediately. Head trauma may have lasting effects, including brain damage, so seek medical care right away.
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If a fracture or blow to the head causes damage to the brain, it is likely that the injury has caused a hematoma, or bleeding inside the brain. This type of brain injury can be caused by fractured skull bones, a blood clot, or a ruptured piamater. While the brain itself is not damaged, other parts of the nervous system may be injured. Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may include prolonged loss of consciousness, bruising, and swelling. Getting treatment for head trauma should be a top priority.
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Although the severity of a head trauma depends on the age and severity of the injuries, the initial GCS score is a good predictor of outcome. The lower the GCS score, the worse the outcome. The patient's age, comorbidity, respiratory distress, and comatose state also have negative correlations with the risk of ciTBI. Head trauma represents a public health issue that costs billions of dollars annually. The majority of head trauma cases occur in emergency departments. As a result, it requires a multidisciplinary approach to manage these patients.
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Patients with moderate or severe head injuries often go straight to the operating room after emergency room care. This is usually done to remove a large hematoma or contusion that compresses the brain and raises pressure inside the skull. If no immediate surgical treatment is indicated, a patient will be monitored in an intensive care unit for a few days before moving on to the next step. If surgery is necessary, a doctor may perform neurosurgical procedures to repair any underlying problems.
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Even mild head injuries have long-term consequences. While no brain injury is ever completely averted, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Although there is no cure for TBI, if left untreated, it can lead to debilitating side-effects that can be life-altering. If you suspect you or someone you know has suffered a head injury, call 911 and take them to the hospital for further evaluation.
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If a skull fracture has occurred, the brain may be damaged. Traumatic head injuries may also result in spinal cord injuries or traumatic brain injury. A severe head injury may result in a hematoma, which is a collection of blood outside the blood vessels. This can lead to loss of consciousness and permanent damage to the brain. Further, bleeding may result in a hemorrhage, which may cause irreversible brain damage.
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When a head injury is severe, symptoms may occur within a few hours or days. The symptoms of a moderate TBI are similar to those of a mild TBI. However, the severity of the injury and the length of time it takes to heal may vary. If you are unaware of the symptoms, consult a medical professional. If you are unconscious, you may have suffered a severe TBI. You should seek medical attention immediately to ensure proper treatment and prevent any further damage to the brain.
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The emergency room team will try to stabilize the patient before the patient is transferred to the hospital. The emergency room staff may use a tube to assist in breathing, administering medications intravenously to maintain blood pressure, and immobilizing the neck in the case of a cervical fracture. A physician may also refer you to a physician for further care. A team approach is the best way to stabilize a serious head injury. If the injury is traumatic, a hospital will likely be able to diagnose it quickly.