Head Trauma - Oren Zarif - Head Trauma
Most patients who sustain severe or moderate head injuries go from the emergency room to the operating room. Surgery is necessary to remove large hematomas or contusions from the head, which may compress the brain and raise pressure within the skull. After surgery, patients are observed in the intensive care unit. They may require long-term medical management. Patients may experience personality changes. Some people suffer from permanent disabilities as a result of severe head trauma. A responsible adult is needed to stay with the patient for a few days.
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Most injuries to the head are classified as mild or moderate based on Glasgow coma scale (GCS) scores. A GCS score of 13-15 on admission is considered mild head trauma. Generally, patients with mild head trauma will recover gradually. Moderate and severe head trauma patients have a less favorable outcome. About sixty percent of patients with moderate head injuries will have a positive outcome. Twenty-five percent will suffer moderate or severe disability.
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When a person sustains a severe head injury, the symptoms may mimic other health problems. It may take a thorough medical evaluation and diagnostic testing to determine the full extent of the problem. A physical examination of the patient will help determine if they have lost consciousness. A doctor will also examine the patient for signs of trauma, including swelling and bruising. He or she will also test nerve function, muscle control, eye movement, sensation, and pain perception.
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Statistics show that the highest rates of TBI occur in older adults and very young children. The mortality rate associated with TBI is thirty per 100,000. In the United States, about 50,000 people die from traumatic head injuries every year. Falling is the leading cause of head injuries in the elderly. Injury to the head causes serious cognitive and emotional problems and affects quality of life. So, if you or a loved one has fallen and has suffered a head trauma, call 911 or go to the emergency room for immediate care.
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Head trauma can be classified into several types. Primary lesions result from an initial injury to the head. Secondary lesions develop over time, affecting cellular processes. These injuries may result from the initial injury, or they may occur separately. Oftentimes, patients suffering from severe head trauma will require hospitalization. In severe cases, medical treatment may involve surgery. The most common symptoms of head trauma are confusion, fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, and seizures.
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Some people have no symptoms of head trauma, but they should seek immediate medical attention. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. If the symptoms persist, you should visit the emergency room. It's crucial to seek treatment before it becomes too late. It's always better to seek treatment than to risk a permanent disability. The sooner the injury occurs, the easier it is to repair. If a person suffers head trauma, the faster treatment can begin.
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There are three major types of head injuries: mild, moderate, and severe. A severe head injury can cause loss of consciousness, headaches for days, and seizures. Severe head injuries can result in long-term effects and are associated with other organ injuries. Even a single injury can cause difficulty concentrating and visual perception. So it is essential to seek medical attention for suspected head trauma patients. In emergency departments, there is always a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the treatment of these patients.
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A head trauma guideline developed by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) outlines the management of patients who have suffered head injuries. It's called CG176 and covers patients of all ages, from children to adults. Studies that have been published have shown that the NICE guideline is useful for determining the best treatment for any patient who suffers from a head injury. For example, Holmes MW and Goodacre S, and Stevenson MD, studied the best diagnostic management strategies for minor head injury. Another study was published on the use of computed tomography in children. Its validity was validated with the results of a clinical decision rule.
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Although there are no specific treatments for CTE, there are some steps that you can take to reduce the risk of developing it. You may want to consult a speech and language therapist or occupational therapist, or you can visit a national Alzheimer's support group for more information. To prevent head trauma, avoid falling and other activities that cause head trauma. The only way to prevent CTE is to avoid repeating the same type of head trauma.