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Head Injuries - Oren Zarif - Head Trauma

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Although most head injuries are benign, some are more serious than others. For example, a person with a head injury may suffer from a permanent loss of fine motor skills, speech, vision, and taste. Some people may even change their personalities as a result of the trauma. A medical professional should evaluate head injuries in patients immediately to ensure they are not life-threatening. For severe cases, neurosurgical evaluation may be necessary. Other treatment options may include sedation, paralysis, and cerebrospinal fluid diversion. In addition to these standard treatments, second-line options can include barbiturate coma, hypertonic saline, and hypothermia.

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If a head injury is severe, a person may experience loss of consciousness, a long-lasting headache, and repeated nausea and seizures. Repeated head trauma may lead to long-term effects and can even lead to death. One injury can result in visual difficulties, concentration problems, and blurred vision. Experts recommend seeking medical care immediately after sustaining head trauma. Further, untreated head trauma can lead to continued bleeding, swelling, and neurological problems, including heart and pulmonary disease.

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If you think you have suffered a head injury, seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms of a moderate TBI often do not appear right away, so it is important to watch for several days to see if they come and go. If symptoms persist, call 911 and visit an emergency room immediately. If you suspect a head injury, call a physician and follow their instructions. If symptoms are present and you are concerned, see a medical professional.

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The bruising of brain tissue is known as a cerebral contusion. The piamater is not breached, but increased intracranial pressure is the result of this condition. Treatment is usually focused on the increased intracranial pressure, if present. Axonal injuries are the result of parts of the brain with different densities sliding over each other. Depending on the severity of the injury, treatment may be mild or severe.

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Head injuries are a common and serious medical problem. A bump on the head may be a minor injury, but if the head is broken, you may have a more serious injury. If the object pierces the skull and enters the brain, an open head injury may be more serious. While closed head injuries are usually less severe, they are still serious. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, violence, and sports injuries are among the most common causes of head trauma. A medical professional should be consulted immediately for proper treatment.

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In older adults, TBI has the highest mortality rate. About 30 per 100,000 people die each year due to TBI. While most injuries result in minor brain bleeding, a few result in significant neurologic injury. A major public health problem, head trauma is often accompanied by other organ injuries, such as heart disease or lung failure. A team devoted to treating head trauma patients is critical for ensuring optimal patient care. However, head trauma is not a simple disease and requires expert care.

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The symptoms of minor head trauma include altered mental status, loss of consciousness, and abnormal behavior per caregiver. A GCS score of 15 or more or a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 14 or less is indicative of clinically significant traumatic brain injury. In some cases, a child with a coma will have a history of head trauma. It's important to understand the risks and potential complications of head trauma, because the symptoms and treatment options can vary.

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While some injuries do not require hospitalization, severe injuries should be treated immediately. Generally, you should avoid playing contact sports, such as basketball, until symptoms subside. A second concussion may result in permanent disability. To prevent further damage, it's best to avoid alcohol and alcoholic beverages, which can exacerbate the situation. Once you are medically cleared, you can return to your normal activities. However, be cautious and wear protective headgear until symptoms subside.

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Pediatricians should know when to request computed tomography after a head injury. A clinical decision rule called CATCH can help medical professionals identify children who may need additional imaging, including neuroimaging. The authors of this paper, Pandor A, Goodacre S, and Harnan S, recommend that all children with head trauma undergo a CT scan after a fall. The CATCH algorithm, along with many others, is helpful for pediatricians in deciding which children require neuroimaging.

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MRI is not an accurate predictor of TBI in children. However, imaging is essential in diagnosis and treatment. Imaging will determine whether the brain has been damaged. If the brain has been damaged by a fall, it may be due to a broken blood vessel. If it is, the patient's condition is called traumatic brain injury. In addition to TBI, there are many other factors that can lead to brain damage. The severity of the injury and its complications can be fatal.

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