Head Injuries - How to Treat a Head Injury - Oren Zarif - Head Injury
The initial treatment of a head injury is often simple. It may only require monitoring, and waking you up every two hours. You may need to undergo surgery if your head injury was serious. In most cases, you can return home in 48 hours. However, if the injury is severe or if your symptoms become more serious, you may need to stay in the hospital. Treatment for head injuries depends on the type of injury and the condition of your brain. Depending on the injury, you may need anti-seizure medication. If you have suffered a severe head injury, you may be at risk for seizures for a week after the injury.
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If your head injury is severe, you may lose the function of your muscles, speech, vision, hearing, and even taste. Your personality and behavior may also be affected. Even though the majority of head injury survivors will recover fully from the injury, you should avoid participating in sports until you are 100% recovered. A second concussion will cause further problems and delay the recovery process. Repeated head injuries can lead to permanent brain damage and even death.
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The first step in treatment is to ensure your child gets the proper medical attention. The doctors will ask about your child's medical history, examine the head, and assess the stability of the spine. If a concussion is suspected, the doctor may also conduct a neurosurgical evaluation. Treatments for a severe head injury may include sedation, paralysis, or cerebrospinal fluid diversion. Some second-line treatment options include barbiturate coma, hypertonic saline, and hypothermia.
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If you suspect a skull fracture, you should keep the person upright. Avoid removing debris from the wound, and place a sterile gauze dressing over the wound. Roll the person onto their side if they are unconscious. While you wait for medical attention, ice the affected area to reduce swelling. If you suspect a head injury, call your doctor immediately. Your child may be vomiting. If a child has a severe head injury, call 911 immediately.
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You should not drive or play contact sports immediately after a head injury, but you should call 911 right away. If you have symptoms, you should avoid alcohol or drugs and avoid driving. Your doctor will also want to determine if your patient was unconscious at the time of the accident. Your doctor will perform a full medical examination, including neurological tests. Your doctor will also assess nerve function, muscle control, eye movement, and sensation. In addition, the doctors will perform tests to determine whether you are suffering from a neurological injury.
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Depending on the severity of your head injury, it may require hospitalization. Bleeding in brain tissue may occur from severe injuries. If the skull is broken, blood could pool inside the brain. The bleeding may cause brain bruises. If the skull is fractured, the spinal cord is also likely to be affected. If your child suffered a fall, the spinal cord is also likely to be injured. It's important to consult a doctor immediately.
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While a head injury usually does not require imaging, your doctor may order a computerized tomography (CT) scan or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to assess the extent of damage. You can lower the risk of a head injury by wearing a seatbelt, a helmet, or protective gear. Avoiding falling can also help. You may also develop memory loss or slurred speech. You can reduce the risk of a head injury by avoiding the situations where the head is involved.
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Secondary brain injuries occur after the initial injury. They result from decreased blood flow to the brain. Increased intracranial pressure and swelling of the brain tissues are two possible causes. Secondary brain injuries can be life-threatening and even permanent. If left untreated, the swelling and other symptoms can affect the brain. The extent of the damage depends on the cause of the head injury. There are many types of head injuries. You should see a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect a head injury.
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Head injuries can occur due to shaking. Shaking is the most common cause of head injuries, and can occur during any violent shaking of an infant. The injury may also result in a fractured skull. However, there are ways to minimize this risk. Luckily, treatment for head injuries can be very effective. You may even be able to return to your regular activities after a few days. When it happens, you should not wait for a long recovery.