Five Steps to Recovery From a Concussion - Oren Zarif - Concussion
A concussion is a type of brain injury that affects the function of the brain. The brain is injured in two places - at the point of impact, when the brain strikes the skull and again when it "rebounds" away from the point of impact. The rotation of the head at the time of the impact can also cause damage to axons in the brain. Although symptoms of concussion will not be noticeable for a few days after an impact, they will likely recur.
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Initially, treatment of a concussion should focus on limiting cognitive and physical activity, with gradual increase. Until your physician clears you for further activity, avoid resuming the same activities. If you have symptoms that last more than an hour or two, do not return to school. Talk to your health care provider and your family doctor. Do not return to sports or work until you have been cleared by a health care provider.
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Although the recovery from a concussion varies from person to person, there are five important steps to follow. The first step is to find a physician who understands concussions and can properly treat the injuries. Once you've been diagnosed, it is crucial to get the right care. Your doctor may want to repeat certain tests to check for symptoms of concussion and determine whether you have any other conditions.
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When you visit a health care provider, your doctor will perform a physical exam. You'll be asked about the nature of the injury. Your health care provider may order an MRI or CT scan to evaluate the severity of the brain injury. You may also be given an electroencephalogram to monitor brain waves. If your health care provider believes you've suffered a concussion, he or she will suggest treatment to you accordingly.
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Treatment for concussions can take several weeks or even months. In either case, you'll need to rest and get proper medical care. Symptoms will change, especially if the brain is under stress from use. The most immediate concerns include severe headache, loss of consciousness, and drowsiness. Those symptoms may not appear immediately, but they will likely worsen over the course of several days. If you're not able to wake up, you might experience increased confusion and even fainting.
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The first few days after a concussion are important for your recovery. While it may be difficult for you to resume normal activities, they're important. Try not to work too hard or watch television before bed. If you can, limit your screen time and avoid physical activity while you recover from your concussion. Make sure to get enough rest - 8-10 hours every day is the recommended amount of sleep. Taking a nap or sleeping during the day will also help. Once you're feeling well, you'll be ready to resume normal activity.
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Treatment for concussion is crucial. While many people may experience minor symptoms, others may develop lifelong effects. A concussion can affect vision, balance, and mood, which is why treatment for concussion is crucial. The standard treatment for concussion is rest, but more recent studies have found that alternative treatments can be effective. A thorough medical examination may be necessary before you return to sports or other activities that involve contact or further head injury.
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Treatment for a concussion typically involves plenty of rest, avoiding strenuous physical activity, and taking pain medication. While symptoms of a concussion may go away on their own in a few days, you should avoid driving, operating machinery, or using a computer for at least a few days. Remember to keep your seat belt in place and never drive under the influence of drugs. Moreover, you should not take part in contact sports until the symptoms have gone away.
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The first stage of acute concussion evaluation involves determining whether a concussion victim is conscious or not. In unconscious concussion victims, it is assumed that a cervical spine injury has occurred and treatment will be geared towards the condition of the cervical spine. In conscious concussion victims, you will need to ask them questions such as, "What is the situation right now?"
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After a head injury, concussion symptoms may appear very similar to the symptoms of a concussion but may be less severe. Symptoms of a concussion may include a temporary loss of mental function and a temporary or permanent loss of memory. In extreme cases, a concussion may even result in permanent disability. Fortunately, concussion treatment can be a simple procedure that can help you avoid major health complications.