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FAST Stroke - Know the FAST Signs of a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Fast Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif


he F.A.S.T. campaign was developed to help individuals recognize and respond to the key symptoms of a stroke. By understanding the signs, individuals can act quickly to save a life and improve their recovery. Whether you are suffering from a TIA or ischemic stroke, prompt action can save your life. Listed below are the FAST signs of a stroke. Know what they mean to you and call 9-1-1 right away.

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The acronym "FAST" stands for Face, Arms, Speech, Time. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. You may need tests to determine what type of stroke you are experiencing. Your doctor will likely want to check your blood pressure and your eyes, and may perform a neurological exam to see if your stroke has affected your nervous system. Brain imaging may also be needed to make sure there is no bleeding or other abnormalities.

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Other symptoms to watch for include a weak or numb arm. This could lead to weakness in the arm, falling, and even dizziness. Dizziness and difficulty maintaining balance can be signs of a stroke. You may also experience difficulty walking, standing, or maintaining balance. Visual changes are also a warning sign, such as loss of vision in one eye, double vision, or other vision loss. While you're waiting for the symptoms to develop, it is important to keep a constant eye on the person suffering from a stroke.

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If you've noticed one or more of these FAST signs, you should contact 911 right away. A fast response will help save a life. During the first few days after a COVID diagnosis, the risk of a stroke is at its highest. Taking immediate action may prevent death or permanent disability from occurring. Knowing the signs of a stroke can save your life. There is no reason to ignore the symptoms of a stroke, no matter if you're a man or a woman.

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The FAST campaign has a few potential improvements. The message of the campaign needs to be more appropriate to the type of stroke a person may be experiencing. Identifying stroke symptoms earlier can improve the chances of receiving thrombolytic therapy. By contacting emergency services early, the chances of preventing further infirmity are greatly increased. While the campaign focuses on older adults, it can be adapted to appeal to younger individuals. The key to a fast stroke recovery is to recognize symptoms early.

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As soon as you notice the symptoms, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Depending on the type of stroke, tPA treatment can improve the patient's condition within three hours. Unfortunately, too many people do not receive this treatment in time. For those with a ruptured artery, a doctor may recommend surgery. Amputation of the affected part of the brain can also improve the patient's condition. The sooner treatment begins, the better.

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Although the symptoms of a stroke may seem minor, the effects of the condition can be life-threatening. If the symptoms appear too early, you should consult a doctor. Your healthcare team will help you understand how these symptoms can change your vision and how to compensate for them. FAST signs of stroke are important to help save lives and spread awareness. You can also download these signs to print out for your patients. If you have a family member, a loved one, or someone else, you can help them become aware of the signs of a stroke.

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Having high blood pressure is one of the most common risk factors for stroke. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and increasing physical activity can also reduce your risk of a stroke. Being physically active and eating healthy foods can significantly reduce your risk. Also, smoking can cause a stroke, which robs brain cells of oxygen. If you don't get treatment quickly, you can have permanent effects. BE FAST was developed by Intermountain Healthcare. It's a program adapted from the FAST model that was adopted by the American Stroke Association.

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The symptoms of a stroke may vary from one person to the next. If the stroke strikes the left or right side of the brain, the patient may have problems moving, eating, or breathing. Moreover, the affected area is known as the cerebral infarct. As the symptoms of a stroke increase, doctors should begin restoring the brain's blood flow. This can only be done if the stroke is detected at an early stage.

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