Eye Stroke Treatment at Mount Sinai Hospital - Oren Zarif - Eye Stroke
When the blood flow in the retina is blocked, a person may suffer from an eye stroke. These arteries lead from the heart to the retina, and blood flow is necessary for the retinal cells to receive oxygen. If this blood flow is interrupted, the retinal cells begin to die within minutes. Eye stroke can permanently damage a person's vision. It can be caused by a blood clot, fatty plaque, or a combination of these factors.
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If you experience sudden blurring or total loss of vision, go to the emergency room. Even temporary vision loss may indicate an increased risk of stroke, which can lead to further damage to the eye. Emergency departments at several Mount Sinai hospitals are equipped to diagnose an eye stroke quickly. An eye stroke is also known as Central Retinal Artery Occlusion, or CRAO. Because of its severe consequences, treatment should begin as soon as possible. Here are a few tips for getting help.
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Your eye doctor will perform an exam to determine the severity of your condition. He may perform a series of tests to determine if you have an eye stroke. Tonometry is a test that measures pressure in the eye. A visual acuity test is another test that may be necessary. Both of these tests measure your vision. If the symptoms are severe enough, your doctor may recommend surgery. If surgery is not necessary, you may undergo rehabilitation.
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If you notice a sudden decrease in vision, you should go to the emergency room or visit your eye doctor immediately. Symptoms of eye stroke can include a loss of vision in one or both eyes, and other problems. Early treatment can protect your vision and prevent further complications. It is vital to treat an eye stroke quickly to prevent further damage to the retina. A doctor will also take sophisticated photographs of the blood flow in the eye to diagnose its underlying cause.
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In addition to lowering the pressure on the retina, medications that dissolve blood clots may be used to help the retina recover. Other treatments involve widening of retinal arteries. Early treatment is essential for eye stroke patients because the earlier the condition is detected, the greater the chance of saving the patient's vision. Additionally, patients may need ongoing follow-up care to monitor the condition and determine the best course of treatment. You may even need surgery to correct the problem underlying the eye stroke.
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Symptoms of an eye stroke vary from person to person. It may start suddenly or develop slowly over several hours or days. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. The treatment will not only lessen any existing damage, but will also prevent any future events from occurring. Despite the low awareness of this condition, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. You should seek emergency care if the symptoms persist or worsen.
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The main goals of treatment for this condition are to restore the patient's vision to as close as possible. Treatment for NAION is based on restoring normal blood flow to the optic nerve. Unlike the latter, NAION does not lead to permanent vision loss. However, if left untreated, it can cause permanent vision loss. A doctor may recommend surgery to restore the patient's vision. It is important to understand that the treatment for this condition depends on whether the patient is susceptible to the stroke.
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An eye stroke occurs when blood vessels inside the eye narrow. Blood vessels supply every part of the body with nutrients and oxygen. If the blood supply is halted, the part will be severely damaged, which can lead to blindness. An eye stroke can also affect the brain, as the retina is the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye that transfers visual information to the brain. A person suffering from this condition should seek medical attention immediately so that it can be treated as soon as possible.
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People who have experienced an eye stroke often suffer visual field loss, known as hemianopia. This condition affects the left or right side of the visual field and can cause difficulty locating objects and coping with traffic. Patients may also be disoriented in crowded environments. The most common symptom of an eye stroke is a loss of peripheral vision. The vision loss is temporary and can last for a long time, and if the stroke is serious, can even lead to permanent blindness.