Eye Stroke Treatment at Mount Sinai Health System - Oren Zarif - Eye Stroke
A person suffering from eye stroke will notice that one eye isn't working properly, or it is losing vision suddenly. This medical emergency is a complication of the brain, and can permanently damage a person's vision if not treated immediately. Eye stroke can be caused by a blood clot in the retina, or it could be due to fatty plaque or blood clot that forms in the arteries. Luckily, there are several treatment options.
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Your eye doctor will diagnose the condition during a routine eye exam. He will use imaging devices and specialized tools to produce a detailed image of your eye and detect any signs of fluid in the retina. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) will detect any swelling of the retina, and fluorescein angiography will highlight any obstructed blood vessels in the retina. You will also have blood pressure and cholesterol tests.
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Emergency rooms at Mount Sinai Health System can treat an eye stroke in just minutes. The hospital's emergency rooms are equipped with high-resolution imaging systems and communicate with the stroke service and ophthalmologists. A retina specialist can diagnose the stroke and recommend the appropriate treatment. If symptoms persist, your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation. A quick diagnosis is essential to saving the patient's vision. When you visit Mount Sinai, you can trust the expertise of our retina specialists to determine the exact cause of your condition.
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After an eye stroke, it may take a week or two to recover. Your retina may become mottled with pigment or swollen over time, and blood vessels may appear red or swollen. Your vision may not be completely restored, but the early detection and treatment will help protect it and prevent further complications. The earlier you can begin treatment, the better the chance you have of preserving your vision. But if you are suffering from eye stroke, you should contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
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Treatment for the visual consequences of eye stroke is different for every individual. The severity of the stroke will determine the methods that are most appropriate for your individual needs. Depending on the type of stroke and the severity of your vision loss, you may need to use glasses or prisms on your glasses. There are also different techniques to improve your visual field, such as patching or magnifying. Computer-based rehabilitation programmes can also help you improve your visual field.
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The hallmark symptoms of eye stroke are sudden, painless vision loss and vision changes. These symptoms may start gradually or occur suddenly. An ophthalmologist can diagnose eye stroke through a thorough examination and fundus photograph, which shows the internal parts of the eye, including the retina and optic nerve. In most cases, diagnosis is made at the emergency room. However, this does not mean that the symptoms will disappear on their own. As soon as you notice any of these symptoms, visit a doctor.
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If you suspect that you have an eye stroke, your doctor may prescribe medications to dissolve the blood clot. If the clot is caused by a heart or vascular disease, you may be given blood thinners. In some cases, a treatment for eye stroke may be aimed at managing other cardiovascular issues, including high blood pressure and diabetes. The sooner you get treatment for eye stroke, the better chance you have of saving your vision.
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Another type of eye stroke is called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). This happens when a blood clot obstructs the main artery in the eye. If this happens, the affected eye will lose vision, while a person with a condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy will experience permanent vision loss. There is no known cure for the condition, but treatment can limit the damage and prevent future events from occurring.
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People with retinal vein occlusion may have a lower risk of developing eye stroke compared to those without. Symptoms may appear suddenly or over several hours or days. Treatment is crucial to protect the eye from permanent vision loss. Eye stroke symptoms may also happen as a result of aging, certain medical conditions, or trauma. You should seek medical attention as soon as you notice any symptoms, including floaters, if you think you have eye stroke.
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Retinal artery occlusion is another potential cause of eye stroke. This condition occurs when blood vessels in the retina become blocked, and this can cause extensive damage to the retina. Without blood flow, retinal cells will starve for oxygen and die, meaning you will not be able to see. Moreover, a stroke can lead to loss of vision, and may even cause blindness. You should seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect you are experiencing a stroke.