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Effects of Brain Damage - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
Symptoms of brain damage may vary, depending on the type of injury. During a consultation with a doctor, the symptoms and circumstances that led to the accident are considered. The health care provider may also ask for the opinions of witnesses to the accident and to document any evidence of the injury. Imaging studies may be performed to see whether the brain has been damaged and to check for infection or electrolyte imbalance. A brain scan may also be required in order to determine the exact cause of brain injury.
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The effects of brain damage are permanent, with some symptoms lasting for years. The temporal lobe, located beneath the ears, is responsible for memory and understanding spoken words. Damage to the parietal lobe, meanwhile, may affect vision and hearing. The brain stem, which controls breathing, heart rate, and sleeping cycles, may also suffer damage. Damage to this area may result in severe cognitive and emotional problems. But the most devastating effects are those that affect the memory.
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When the brain is deprived of oxygen for a prolonged time, brain damage may result. The causes of brain damage are wide-ranging, from head injuries to illnesses. While young children and the elderly are particularly susceptible, anyone with a head injury is at risk of suffering from brain damage. A physician should treat a traumatic brain injury promptly. If the head injury is severe enough, the patient may be in a coma. A person in a coma may be able to open his or her eyes and respond to reflexes, but if there is a severe injury, the person is in a vegetative state.
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Diffuse axonal injury is another form of brain damage. This occurs when nerve axons are twisted, similar to bruises on other parts of the body. A traumatic brain injury can also cause blood vessels to rupture. The effects of brain damage can vary from mild to severe. Depending on the type of injury, the brain may need surgery. And depending on its size, a brain splint may be necessary.
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Treatment for traumatic brain injury depends on the severity of the injury and the person's response to therapy. Some individuals can recover to their original abilities, while others may require lifelong care. Additionally, some long-term effects of a TBI may not appear for years or even decades after the accident. People may also be at risk for developing Parkinson's disease, dementia, or Alzheimer's disease. A therapy team can advise on the best course of action.
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Traumatic brain injury, also known as TBI, is the most common cause of traumatic brain injury in the United States. The injuries can be mild or severe and may include more than one section of the brain. Accidents involving motor vehicles or pedestrians, sports, or assaults with or without weapons are some of the most common causes of TBI. In the United States, approximately 1.5 million people experience some form of TBI each year. About 235,000 will be hospitalized due to a moderate or severe head injury. Some may even die.
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Some patients with traumatic brain injury will experience seizures, even in the early stages. Hydrocephalus (the buildup of fluid in the brain) is a serious condition caused by skull fractures. Although this condition can be mild, it can cause serious complications such as hydrocephalus and even death. In addition, diffuse injuries are not visible on CT scans, and may be present along with a mass lesion. The best way to identify traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage is to undergo a brain MRI.
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Some forms of traumatic brain injury may occur in professional sports. Although there is no definitive way to diagnose traumatic brain injury, the symptoms and signs of the condition are typically the same as for other forms of brain damage. In some cases, a person may have a severe TBI without even knowing it. However, the severity of the injury is important. Symptoms of traumatic brain injury vary from person to person, and it is important to consult with a doctor if you think you may have suffered one of these types of injuries.
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Traumatic brain injuries and stroke can result in the loss of brain cells. Fortunately, doctors can help prevent brain damage by treating the symptoms of the condition early. Treatment for brain injuries is largely based on the type of injury. Acute brain injury can be caused by any of a variety of factors, including an accident or illness. Brain damage can affect a person's physical, emotional, and behavioral capabilities. This type of damage may not lead to permanent disabilities, but it can lead to cognitive and psychological impairment.