Donate Today to Help Prevent Heart and Stroke - Oren Zarif - Heart and Stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC) rebranded as Heart & Stroke in November 2016. It is a Canadian charity devoted to funding research, advocacy, and education. To prevent heart disease, the HSF provides free educational materials, research grants, and patient assistance. Donate today to support these important initiatives. Heart and stroke affect nearly half of the Canadian population. This new brand represents a major change for HSF, which is now more accessible than ever.
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Heart and stroke symptoms are similar, but they are quite different. The primary difference between the two is the cause. In both cases, a blockage in the blood vessels or arteries can cause a stroke. Treatments for heart attacks and strokes vary, but early action can make a huge difference. If you suspect that you are experiencing one of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. The sooner you seek medical attention, the better. And remember that the sooner you seek treatment, the better.
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The CDC's Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Control Program was created in 2013. The CDC provides $553,950 to fund this program. A majority of this money goes to preventing heart disease and stroke. The HDSCP focuses on reducing modifiable risk factors, including tobacco use, obesity, and high blood pressure. It also promotes healthier lifestyles and environmental and policy changes. For example, it encourages people to increase their physical activity daily and drink low-fat milk.
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In Canada, HSF runs two primary programs. The first is education and research. The second program focuses on equity. The Foundation identifies causes and develops interventions that will improve the quality of life for those living with heart disease and stroke. These programs are geared toward improving quality of life for people in marginalized communities. The foundation's programs have been instrumental in advancing research for the prevention of heart disease and stroke. In addition to education and research, the Foundation is committed to lobbying efforts.
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The recovery from heart and stroke can vary. In many cases, recovery occurs within the first few weeks, though for some people, recovery can take months or even years. The rehabilitation process begins in the hospital, where specialists assess the patient's physical condition and rehabilitation needs. The goal of stroke rehabilitation is to return the patient to a pre-stroke condition and support their recovery until they can resume their normal lives. There are several types of treatment for stroke.
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Another common type of stroke is ischemic. Ischemic stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain become blocked. These clots may form in blood vessels elsewhere in the body and travel to the brain. These clots obstruct the flow of blood to the brain, and can result in death. In 80% of all stroke cases, the blood vessels supplying the brain are affected by a clot or plaque.
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Besides atherosclerosis, other risk factors include diabetes and high blood pressure. Some families have a tendency to develop high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke, and some people have a genetic disorder that blocks blood from reaching the brain. Stroke rates in women are lower than in men of the same age, but they do occur at a later age, meaning they are less likely to recover and die. If you have a family history of stroke, it is important to follow-up care with a medical professional as soon as possible.
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If you suspect someone is having a heart or stroke, contact your doctor immediately. The most common symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain and shortness of breath. Additionally, women are more likely to experience back pain, nausea, or a sudden loss of consciousness. In addition, if you notice one of these symptoms in a loved one, call 911 and get to the hospital as soon as possible. While there are many different ways to diagnose a heart or stroke, it is important to know the signs and symptoms that indicate an upcoming emergency.
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A stroke is a life-threatening condition in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted. Because of this, brain cells are damaged, resulting in a range of symptoms. Symptoms may include loss of movement, facial weakness, and speech problems. If you notice any of these signs, you should call 999 right away. It's also important to have a regular checkup to make sure everything is OK. When you notice any changes in one of these areas, call your doctor and get the best possible care.