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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Dealing With Recurrent Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Recurrent Cancer

The first step in dealing with Recurrent Cancer symptoms is to talk with your primary care physician. Your primary care physician will likely order tests or procedures to confirm a diagnosis of cancer. Your doctor will most likely refer you to an oncologist if you have recurrent cancer. Discuss any new symptoms you have been experiencing and any changes in your health since your initial diagnosis. Also, consider joining a support group or online community. The support of other cancer patients will help you deal with the emotions that come with a recurrence.

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Survivors of cancer may fear that they will live with a recurrence for the rest of their lives. Most cancer doctors consider a cancer recurrence if it has returned after one year from the initial diagnosis. In addition to breast cancer, patients may also suffer from systemic cancer recurrence in lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver, or adrenal glands. However, these types of cancer can recur in almost any part of the body.

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Treatment for recurrent cancer will depend on the type of cancer and its stage. The symptoms of local recurrence include changes in the breast and scar tissue. Your doctor may also suggest a mammogram or other imaging tests. If your doctor suspects cancer has returned, they may recommend radiation or mastectomy. In some cases, chemotherapy may also be necessary. As with all types of cancer, it is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor and to be aware of any new symptoms.

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Symptoms of Recurrent Cancer: Recurrent breast cancer occurs after initial treatment has finished. Treatment aims to eradicate the cancer cells, but some remain undetected, leading to the recurrence. Recurrent cancer can occur months or even years after your initial treatment, and it can affect the same or different breast. The stage of your original cancer will also determine the chances of recurrence. While most patients will not have a recurrence, regular follow-up screenings and medical intervention are essential.

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Recurrent cancer symptoms can range from a dreaded lump to a painful bone in the spine or lung. Patients may also experience coughing, seizures, or bone pain. These are all signs that your cancer is reoccurring. Make sure you get regular checkups with your doctor and talk to him or her if your symptoms are troubling. If you suspect cancer is reoccurring, there is a high chance that it will be a secondary case.

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Although the initial symptoms of Recurrent Cancer are often hard to detect, there are ways to help prevent delays in diagnosis and treatment. Safety netting recommendations include explaining what symptoms are, where to seek help, and how your cancer will progress over time. The symptoms should persist for a long time, and the doctor should evaluate them to determine if they are related to cancer. Ensure that the communication does not dismiss the patient or make them feel bad.

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Recurrent cancer symptoms vary greatly depending on the location of the cancer. If the cancer returned in the lymph nodes near the original site of the cancer, it is called regional recurrence. If it returned in a distant area, however, it is known as distant recurrence. In this case, the cancer has spread to another part of the body, such as the liver, bones, or brain. A recurrence of breast cancer can cause new symptoms or even changes in surrounding skin.

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