Dealing With a Brain Stroke - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke
If you suspect that someone you know is having a stroke, call 999 immediately. Strokes may have varying symptoms, which makes it important to recognize them as soon as possible. If a stroke is suspected, the person may not be able to speak, smile, or lift both arms. They may also not be able to understand what you're saying. The time when the stroke begins is critical for determining how severe the stroke is and how to deal with it.
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The first thing to consider is circulation, breathing, and blood pressure control. This is because a stroke can affect the brainstem and affect its ability to control blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate. The next step is to determine the type of stroke that the patient is suffering from. Thankfully, there are a number of tests to help determine the type of stroke. However, not all hospitals have these tests available. If the stroke is severe, a CT of the brain will be necessary to confirm its type.
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The most common cause of brain stroke is blockage of a blood vessel in the brain. This causes the part of the brain that is supplied by the clotted blood vessel to go without blood and oxygen. The blockage begins the clotting process. The clot then travels to the affected area of the brain and blocks blood flow. This is what is known as an ischemic stroke. Occasionally, however, hemorrhagic stroke occurs due to a burst blood vessel in the brain.
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Following a stroke, you may have to take certain lifestyle changes. Limiting saturated fats and red meat will help you reduce your cholesterol. Moderate amounts of salt will support a healthy blood pressure level. A doctor may prescribe anticoagulants to help with your blood clotting. Depending on your individual circumstances, you may also need to consider anticoagulant medications to reduce your risk of stroke. These measures are important to your recovery and quality of life.
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A TIA is not a stroke, but is a warning of a pending stroke. It is important to seek emergency care if you suspect that you are having a stroke, whether it's a TIA or a stroke. One out of five people who have a TIA will go on to suffer a major stroke in the same three months. It's essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms of TIA, so you can take the necessary steps to prevent a stroke from happening to you.
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Treatment for a stroke is specific to the type of stroke you're suffering from and where it has occurred. Your doctor will most likely prescribe you clot-busting drugs, which are injected into your bloodstream and work to remove the blood clot. These medicines may be given to your doctor through an intravenous line. If tPA doesn't work, you'll be admitted to the hospital as a patient with a stroke. Once the event has passed, rehabilitation physicians, physical therapists, and occupational therapists will be involved. After the acute event, primary care providers will be responsible for your long-term care.
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The signs of brain stroke include sudden numbness, drooping on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, and a decreased level of consciousness. It's essential to seek medical treatment for brain stroke as soon as possible. There are several different types of stroke and each type has its own set of symptoms. The symptoms can vary. The best way to detect a stroke is to schedule an appointment with a doctor immediately.
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The recovery time for a stroke depends on the severity of the stroke, which affected which parts of the brain, as well as any complications that occur. Patients who have trouble moving may develop pressure sores and infections caused by skin breakdown. Ten percent of stroke patients will experience seizures. Seizures are associated with severe strokes. Fortunately, timely treatment can minimize the extent of brain damage. It is important to seek medical help as soon as possible.
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Moreover, risk factors can run in families. If the risk of stroke is higher in one family member, it is possible that a descendant will develop a stroke at a younger age. Some strokes run in families, and a genetic disorder can block blood flow to the brain. Compared to men, women have a slightly lower risk of having a stroke than men of the same age. During the perinatal period, the risk of having a stroke is highest. People with diabetes and high blood pressure are more prone to having a stroke.