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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale - Oren Zarif - Cincinnati Stroke Scale

The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS) is a diagnostic tool that is used to identify the presence of a stroke in patients. The CPSS includes three assessment factors: facial droop, abnormal arm drift, and blood glucose. When a patient has signs of a stroke, their physician may also use the Altered Mental Status M-05. A stroke may also cause a change in the person's behavior or speech.

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The study included a total of 1,024 patients with acute neurologic symptoms, which included facial numbness, dysarthria, aphasia, visual impairment, and gait abnormality. Patients with ataxia were included as an additional symptom, and final diagnoses were based on a brain computed tomography and neurologist's view. The accuracy of the scale was evaluated using the kappa coefficient.

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The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale checks for the presence of three key features. First responders should make sure a patient is smiling, and their arm movement should be equally distributed. Facial droop or drift to one side is a sign that a stroke may be imminent. A patient with this condition may be experiencing multiple symptoms, such as weakness, paralysis, and death. While it may not be the case with every patient, it is critical to evaluate any stroke symptoms and if necessary, seek emergency treatment.

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Early recognition of CVA/TIA is critical to saving lives and reducing morbidity. However, in prehospital settings, in depth neurological examinations are not recommended, as they are counterproductive. This study aimed to identify patients with CVA/TIA by using the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale and the National Guidelines for Telephone Triage Tool. While the CPSS has limitations in stroke-related deficits, it is a valuable tool for the emergency response system.

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The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale was developed as a simplified version of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale. The CPSS is based on the symptoms of stroke, including facial palsy, asymmetric arm weakness, and speech abnormalities. CPSS and FAST were evaluated by two physicians who were trained in the NIH Stroke Scale. Both were evaluated by prehospital care providers, and were given verbal instructions on how to correctly use the tool.

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The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale has been recommended for use by emergency medical services (EMS) personnel in the identification of stroke patients. While the CPSS is highly accurate, data regarding its use by paramedics are limited. To date, one study evaluated the impact of a 1-hour interactive educational presentation on the paramedics' CPSS use, on-scene time, and stroke/TIA diagnosis rates.

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The CPSS has a high specificity and sensitivity for the diagnosis of stroke. It is important to note that all patients with CPSS-recognized strokes will have a facial palsy, upper extremity weakness, and difficulty walking. CPSS-acute stroke patients should receive the proper diagnosis with this tool, as a misdiagnosis could cause serious complications. And the sooner the physician can provide care, the better.

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While the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale and other similar tools are useful for identifying large vessel occlusion, the use of this scale in patients who have a non-ischemic stroke may improve outcomes. The CPSS is the first tool to predict the occurrence of this condition. Moreover, the score provides a simple means to predict the severity of a stroke and help doctors prioritize the best treatment options.

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CPSS is a simplified version of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. Because it has a high sensitivity and specificity, it may be used to detect acute ischemic stroke candidates. The CPSS is easy to learn and quick to perform. Its reproducibility was assessed by a physician certified in NIH Stroke Scale. The CPSS also has a moderate sensitivity for identifying patients with acute ischemic stroke. However, its limitations are also clear.

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